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Connection between 9/11 and Fort Drum?

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posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 04:09 PM
Ok I shall say this again. The guy who told me about the planting of explosives in the building. I haven't seen him in about 3 years. But when I do get ahold of him I shall ask him all the questions I can. And no I will not audio tape this conversation for those who suggested this. First of all it's disrespectful to even ask him to submit to an audio recording. Second I'm not going to jeopardize his well being over an audio tape.

Also I've read a couple post and it seems like someone thinks I'm making this up to get "attention" or whatever. Trust me I do well enough in my real life to get all the "attention" I want. I'm doing this because I KNOW something happened that day that isn't being told and I want it figured out.

I will interview the friend that told me about Fort Drum closing down weeks prior to 9/11 this weekend and I will post the transcript ASAP.

I'm only going to say this once. No one will ask me for an audio taping of my friends interview in any future post. If so I will take it as a personal insult. But on the other hand I'm enjoy most of the post here and hope to hear more from (most of) you.

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by GabrielAOD

I don't think I've ever said this in a thread, but I call BS.
First, if this has any chance of being true your life (& the people you love) may be in danger. Secondly, I would be concerned for your friends life too. Thirdly, please don't think this is any kind of direct threat by me. I'm on your side; I want the truth to come out too.

[edit on 21-9-2007 by corusso]

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by pavil
And there would be ample teltale evidence of those charges going off. Not the random "squibs" we see. As usual, we have nothing to go on other than undocumented "I have a friend" stories. The wealth of theories and the lack of evidence of those said theories are always the problem. The CT'ers are in a Mulder " I Want to Believe" mode so much that the lack of real evidence doesn't bother them. Just my opinion.

Now that i have met my quota of 9/11 replies a thread (1), I will be leaving the thread.

lack of evidence didn't seem to bother NIST or the the US powers that be, either.

if you want to see "ample, telltale evidence", watch "911, the explosive reality".

or, in fact, watch all the videos of all three collapses, and REALLY look for flashes. there ARE flashes of bright white light. so bright, they can be seen from behind thick smoke.

and, after that, listen to ALL the live broadcasts, and when someone says, "explosions", and "secondary explosions", and "flashes", and "like a demolition", don't pretend to know that you know what they saw and heard better than they know.

"i don't WANT to believe"

the truth hurts.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 01:49 AM
My brother was stationed at Ft. Drum on 9-11. He said they were on full lockdown immediately *after* the attacks.

Anyway, 3rd Mountain Division at Ft. Drum is a decorated division, specializes in mountain warfare and I believe was the first Army unit into Afghanistan.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by GabrielAOD
And no I will not audio tape this conversation for those who suggested this. First of all it's disrespectful to even ask him to submit to an audio recording. Second I'm not going to jeopardize his well being over an audio tape.

I'm only going to say this once. No one will ask me for an audio taping of my friends interview in any future post. If so I will take it as a personal insult. But on the other hand I'm enjoy most of the post here and hope to hear more from (most of) you.

1 I did not ask you to audio tape him it I said for it to be helpfull and more reilable. Do as you wish.

2 How is it disrespectfull if you ask him

3 What is the differance from a transcript and an audiotape. how is his safety changed in either manner?

4 You say you won't jepordize his well being? Yet you post on an internet forum that your friend confessed to you of his involvement in the murder of over 3000 people? As I said before, after your post, his safety would best be secured with a full news conferance, never mind a simple recording. But this is all academic, since honestly I call BS on this story. Just my oppinion, no offence intended.

5 If what you were saying were true, I would find his confession to the world to be the right thing to do Ofcoarse the greater good of revealing the truth would be a mitagating circumstance, he could also try the "following orders" arguement, but he is still confessing to murder.

6 If a person takes insult were none is intended then the issue is with that person not the person who made the comment.

7 By anouncing you will only say it once, then threating it would be a personal insult you make some assumptions. Most notability you claim some power, and attempt to control others. Why do you think anyone would be worried if you took something they do not consider insulting to be a personal insult? Furthermore why do you think people would care if you chose to say it once or a thousand times? This is actually the only part of your arguement that has given you validity, most hoaxes would still be in persuade mode and would not have transfered to feelings of importance, from this comment, I consider it possible you heard something from someone, but he could have been making a distastefull joke.

This is a good place I agree I also enjoy the conversations at ATS.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 04:52 PM
I recently moved from fort drum new york.

Theres nothing special there. yea the 3rd brigade spartans are very decorated an recently got back from a 18 month tour in afghanistan. but they have nothing to do with 9/11

im pretty sure every military base in the us shut down during that time as a precaution.
most of fort drum is forest. no big secret buildings.

i dont know about them making it off limits, but one possiblilty is that many times the base has been on the list to be closed, an not until this recent tour has its importance been seen an its not going anywhere.
there was a brief period where plain clothes cia seem to be walking around. but thats regular.

outside of drum the main city is watertown. i can say as a fact nothing at all is special here. youl be lucky to find people with a full set of teeth.

all in all fort drum had nothing to do with 9.11

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by billybob

Originally posted by BlueRaja
Fort Drum is home to the 10th Mountain Division.
Many Military bases were open posts prior to 9/11.
Your friend claiming to have put C4 in the towers is full of sheet, but playing along with that fantasy, if he were involved, that would be an offense that would keep him behind bars the rest of his life(or worse).

well, if they actually ordered soldiers to do it, it is the higher ups who are liable for misconduct.

this is the constitutional way, unless you're one of those, "just bend over and take it, dummy, or you'll get hurt" types.

fort drum was the home of the largest military exercise(at the time) in 1935. that's before 9/11, i think.

it spans more than a hundred miles.

A-no soldiers were ordered to put C4 into the WTC(1- they wouldn't obey that order, 2-regular soldiers don't have the demolitions expertise to do a controlled demolition of a building, much less something the size of the WTC, 3-a bunch of folks with high and tight haircuts, with back packs(or whatever else you think they brought the explosives in with) would be a pretty high visibility activity).
B-how would ordering soldiers to murder 3000 of their fellow countrymen in anyway be Constitutional?
C-how is an exercise in 1935 in anyway relevant to 9/11
D-perhaps in the hundreds of square miles. Ft Drum isn't 100 miles across.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by TheOmen
I dont wanna say that I believe you but I think it could very well be true.

it makes sense if it was the military that had planted the explosives (if there were in fact any) because as we can all say for sure that most soldiers are mind controlled weapons of their country.


That statement is quite possibly one of the most ignorant and offensive ones that I've read here, as a "mind controlled weapon of my country."
What do you base this assertion on, as you obviously have very little experience with members of the military(or regard for their service to their country)? That wins the WTF award.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 09:02 PM
have any of ou guys seen feirenhieght 9/11 its micheal moore movie

it makes u want to punch every U.S. politition in the face

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