posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 10:04 PM
In America Stupidity is King. For marketing purposes it has to be. Disguised in high ideals of endless freedom. For a century the whole world bought
it unquestioned. Not anylonger, only domestic rednecks now seem to do.
This video is no surprise. It confirms the worst of prejudices. Together with other similar videos it raise the doubt whether those prejudices are
prejudices at all. A conspiracy to discredit America? Possibly. Unless this is all staged, it however tells a tale of an education system only thought
possible in a 3rd world country.
It's long been a joke among Europeans, that Americans believe Paris to be the capital of Germany, Albania to be close to Afghanistan, or something
like that.
However it's not my agenda to scorn Americans for their lack of factual knowledge. I would rather try to find a plausible reason for it.
Considering American history and the struggle out of which it was born, makes it even harder to understand how a people can become so detached from
To get to the point and my argument, a timebit.
It is 9/11/01, Pattaya, Thailand. Jimmy from Missouri is in a bar partying, having fun just as he likes it.
There are always tv-sets in bars, and they're always on mute. He happens to look at the tv and see the planes crash into the towers, and how they go
down. Then the pictures of the inferno as the tumbeling down creates dust clouds rolling through the streets.
"What a distasteful, bad movie", he thought and kept on drinking without paying any more atttention to the bad 'B-movie'.
Not before the next day he found out is was for real.
This is a true account to tell how Americans are inclined to look at reality. As a movie. And to tell which powers the motion picture industry has.
Just what kind of power is that? The power to indulge in horror, misfortune, evil and all the disguises and setups it can occur in.
Since the 30s gangster movies, evil has been the major plot in most boxoffice hits. The horror of evil, we just love it. The moral majority did demand
some kind of 'good prevails' at the end. They did that for a long time, but in the 70s came the evil (double)agent, government conspiracies and
later the disaster movies. If there're any hopes in them it is at the peril of greater evils, corruption, despots or individual maniacs. The trend
now seems to be the future. Better prepare, it aint gonna be nice. They don't give much hope.
To get to my point: Whatever you put out is bound to come back on you. Whatever you say, whatever you imagine, if you do it long enough and hard
enough, it is bound to come true. For 70 years you have been entertained with decieits, deceptions, frauds and killings. It must have an impact on the
national character.
This said, not saying Hollywood not puts out movies with higher moral values as well, but they are outnumbered 10 to 1 by all the depraved stuff.
IOW, Hollywood has a responsibility for both how Americans look at the world and how the world look at America. It's been going on for so long and
with such intensity that I suspect it to be part of the NWO conspiracy. Hollywood is the most important and far most convincing tool in that.
Deceptive as is the nature of the media itself. Motion pictures.