posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 04:26 PM
In the right corner we have Mr. George Walker Bush, oil tycoon and current president of the United States. Pushing his Patriot Act, lower tax, make
some illegals legal, and 'war on terrorism' agenda, Mr. Bush is well aware that this election year will be tough for him. Not to mention the fact
that 'wmd's' have yet to be found, Iraq is still of major concern. Don't forget about 'no child left behind', another Bush scheme to get those
voters to the ballot box.
In the left corner we have, well kind of undecided at the moment, but most definitely a Democrat. Pushing their 'same sex marriage is ok' agenda,
and, well, and hmmm...... the same 'ol usual stuff, you know, pushing the race issue and catering to the minorities and women, the Dem's might fair
well this year.
In the far, far left corner we have the Libertarians, with their 'return to the gold standard', open the borders, legalize drugs and prostitution,
dismantle the CIA, FBI, NSA, and all the acronomous government agencies, reduce the military to the point of 'self defense when invaded only',
After voting for Perot in 1992 and Harry Browne(Libertarian) in 1996, I so don't know what to do!!!!!