posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 12:53 AM
Allright, even though I love ghosts and the paranormal, I guess I'll play the devil's advocate. I think it's possible to photo shop all of those
photos. However, the ones that stood out to me where the 1st pic, one of the shadow person, and the baby one. And I'm not saying that they're
fake, but if I had pic one to say that I could almost 100% say was not faked, I'd go with the baby one. I know that children are more apt to see
things that grown ups don't see, so that one is probably real. The one with the girl, the face doesn't look like hers so that stands out, but I
have too wonder if it was just someone walking by and the camera made it blur like that; and that goes for the same with the one with the Asian man
and woman, it looks as if someone could have just been walking by. One of the Shadow person pics looked kinda photo shopped to me; by this I mean in
the first pic it looks as if there is a face to it. From what I know of Shadow people, they are all black, like in all of the other pictures of it,
so I'm on the edge on that one. The one of the camera phone is kinda fuzzy/hazzy, so it's hard to tell what it is.