posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 12:50 PM
I recently read in a news paper about a Boiler that didnt just run hot water for radiators, baths, basins and what ever else you may have. No, this
one created electricty as well. I am currently looking for groups and banks to invest some money into. These really caught my eye.
So CHP Boiler Project claims that it can:
- 1kW Electrical output from the stack.
- Is cappible of running on Natural gas, or LPG is you desire.
- >80% Energy efficient, can be modified to go over 90%.
- They are cheaper than the conventional Water only bolier.
- It CAN deliver water and electricity to the home.
- It is a similar size to the standard boiler all ready out there.
- This is one for the Plumbers, Works off the same connections as the current Boilers.
As you can see this is a good boost in Boiler technology, some thing that most people take for granted.
I think this will take off and is a great investment for money, you got any thoughts on it ?
Address to the file and site explaining this boiler.
Take Care&Stay Safe, Vix
[edit on 18-9-2007 by Vixion]