posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 08:42 PM
Hello, i live in the hudson valley. Its not talked about in public but there are a surprising ammount of activity in this area. What i mean is.. for
instance when i was 14, my mom and dad knew a old couple that live on a nice old farm. Not like the farm you picture in your heard, i mean like 100s
of acres, of old long since overgrown farm land, more like a ranch but on a mountain. And they had bought the place as young freshly in love people
way back in the 50s. Theres were conservationists, older environmentalist that loved nothing more than packing a picnic and hiking 10 miles and making
a day of it, you know what i mean. Well anyways back to when i was 14; my parents where visiting the friends of ours so my sister and i tagged along.
The old farm house was like a palace to me and i wanted to explore it so the older couple tried to accomodate my curiosity, and entertain at the same
time. So they allowed me rumble through there old office in doing so i found several boxes with pictures in them, for this office, had not been a
functioning office in several years, more of a storage room. Now i only remember the old mans name because he made such an impression on me, it was
Ted. Teds wife showed me the pictures and explained who everyone was. Then we hit a pocket of pics they shot when they first got the property.
Now heres where the skeptics will want to read so they can rip this story to shreds because this is where i goes from Wonder Years to Kolchak.
Among this batch of very old black and white photos was several of a particular valley on there property that featured a nice little spring fed stream
that wandered out of the mountains behind the property. And in the last shot, clearly visible flying rather low was a obvious Flying saucer. Now when
i say that among these pictures was a photo of a flying saucer i dont mean a dot on the horizon it looked like it was almost doing a strafing action
over the valley. It was low and very clear. Now my parents where not close minded at all and although they were not into any specific genre of the
super natural they were not unopen to this sort of thing. In example my mom says she may or may not have has contact with he dead sister when she was
Now when this picture was found it wasnt treated entirely as you might think. When we found the picture Teds wife brought it to him and he recited the
story behind it. When they had got the farm they would go about taking pictures of it to send to family and such, so they would take several pictures.
And one day they were out and he was shooting away at this valley and the saucer almost appeared out of nowhere, seemed to stop and almost inspect
them from the sky, and then spun off in a large parabollic motion accross there property. And we talked about it a little mostly "wow, thats
amazing" and ted would say things like "There always around, they probably always have been" in a very odd way that kinda ended the conversation.
It went on as basically forgottten until about 6 years ago Ted died, and we all went to the funeral and afterwards i asked very dubiously if anyone
remembered that day, my parents remembered it very well, i was surprised, but my sister was too sure she remembered it all. Then 2 years ago Teds wife
died (feel really bad i cant remember her name). We went to her funeral as well, and a few days after my mom called to tell me the whole place was
being left to there children and they werent sure if they were gonna sell the property, as far as i know its all gated and locked down. But i
commented to my mom "I wonder if the picture is still in the house?" she didnt understand at first then she said to me "Yeahhhhhh oh man, i wonder
too". Now my parents know them but i dont at all. I have toyed with the idea of writing them a letter but i have no idea what the response would be.