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Possible way to gain video of area 51?

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posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by jmay75

heh.... Okay, this is an AIR FORCE BASE. Bald MTN. is top in survaillence, you trip a sensor, your nuts will be in a vice. doesnt matter how high or low you put it, they are going to find you! That plane has a radio signal that will be traced in an instant... *sigh* I'm sorry, but, air is NOT the way to go, you cant even go underground. Your options are LIMITED, and more than likely illegal, the plan that I am currently working on, well will eventually require one other person in order to be effective! EH but i have siad too much
alright alright! well everyone! have a goodnight! I love ATS, full of inspiration and insightful minds... keep thinking out of the box, eventually you will see.

[edit on 7-2-2008 by zombie_survivalist]

[edit on 7-2-2008 by zombie_survivalist]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 12:52 AM
Geez man...Leave us in suspense!

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by oLDWoRLDDiSoRDeR
Ok. This is the best way possible. First you need a small remote camera . Next a friend that don't mind a day or two in jail if need be. First friend (you with camera) hides in bushes. Second friend . Gets the guards to chase him . He gets to where your hiding and jumps out of car and runs other way. While there foot chasing him . You plant camera in the truck/grill. If you have time you bug the truck . Never know what info you may learn . He may get back in the truck and say "If only theses people knew about (location X)

Thats the best i can do . Best idea is getting them to bring it in . Heck you may even get footage in a hanger or better.

So... How are you supposed to retrieve the camera? Any transmission would be picked up instantly, especially if its sending continously.

Personally, I believe the camo RC car is the best way, moving real slow (as in days or weeks to get in to position). They use them in nature photography, for example camoflaged as a pile of rocks. The question is control. Ideally, the car should be able to drive itself into position and then take photographs and send it in a quick burst, but that's serious high tech... Otherwise, I firmly believe that they would pick up the radio signals of RC control. Could be wrong though.

Anyone wanna drive an RC car just inside the A51 perimeter to test for response?

[edit on 14-2-2008 by merka]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by zombie_survivalist
heh.... Okay, this is an AIR FORCE BASE. Bald MTN. is top in survaillence, you trip a sensor, your nuts will be in a vice. doesnt matter how high or low you put it, they are going to find you! That plane has a radio signal that will be traced in an instant... *sigh* I'm sorry, but, air is NOT the way to go,

No, there is a way, the low tech air way. The only issue i can think of is it being shot down.

My idea? Think V1. Use a system that stabilises itself using non electric gyros, (or electric if necessary) and other low tech systems. Restrict it's range so after it flies the 60 miles either side of the restricted area it will crash land (hopefully gently). Mount a manual camera with a rudimentary system for multiple pictures (yes a camera with FILM), and make it out of wood and glue so it doesn't have too big a radar cross-section. Then hope no one sees you launch it.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 04:20 AM
Here's a few suggestions:

Use stealth technology on your RC plane, this can be acheived by cloning the airframe of existing aircraft like the B-2 for example, you may be able to add some radar obsorbing materials as well, this will require some research.

As for jamming or your signal being detected, well, encrypt the signal and use counter jamming, their jamming equipment should leave an electronic signature you can pick up.

Range, range is not much of an issue for a medium sized UAV, the bigger the airframe the more fuel capacity, the wings of a B-2 model could take quite a bit of fuel.

the only issue I see is money, all these technologies cost money...and research.

Disclaimer: This post is for entertainment purposes only, the author of this post will not be held accountable for illegal actions performed based on this post.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 10:28 PM
You're all noobs.

You use a glider F117 R.C from a high altitude and UBER zoom cam. That is the only way you can see Area 51. Only ancient russian technology can take down the F117.

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