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Northwest Passage OPENS! Canada claims it.

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posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 09:55 PM
Friday, 14 September 2007

Ice loss opens Northwest Passage

The most direct route through the Northwest Passage has opened up fully for the first time since records began, the European Space Agency (Esa) says.

Canada says it has full rights over those parts of the Northwest Passage that pass through its territory and that it can bar transit there.

wiki northwest passage:

In 1985, the U.S. icebreaker Polar Sea passed through, and the U.S. Government made a point of not asking permission from the Canadians. They claimed that this was simply a cost-effective way to get the ship from Greenland to Alaska and that there was no need to ask permission to travel through an international strait. The Canadian government issued a declaration in 1986 reaffirming Canadian rights to the waters. However, the United States refused to recognize the Canadian claim. In 1988 the governments of Canada and the US signed an agreement, "Arctic Cooperation", that did not solve the sovereignty issues but stated that US icebreakers would require permission from the Government of Canada to pass through.

Sri Oracle

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 10:00 PM
Back from a lengthy hiatus, the Northwest passage is our, our First Nations have been there since time was recorded. Time for Canada to assert itself. The passage is ours. We have land below and above the passage, kind of like the Panama Chanel.

Nuff said.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 11:59 PM
Due to the Northern Alliance the next channel master may have a spanish accent. In all seriousness we have the utmost respect for Canada and its soverence.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 12:00 AM
We may have a problem with the ruskies though.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 12:15 AM
mmmkay, you guys can have it.

Actually the northwest passage has been a much sought after goal from the past. It was the road to riches that at one point took on mythical proportions. So many had tried, and many have died trying to find the northwest passage, when all they had to do was wait for global warming.

It's almost ironic.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 07:02 AM
"In 1988 the governments of Canada and the US signed an agreement, "Arctic Cooperation", that did not solve the sovereignty issues but stated that US icebreakers would require permission from the Government of Canada to pass through".

If the USA agreed to ask permission to cross then the USA should ask permission, or NOT Cross.
Seems to me there are more US military planes in Canadian Airspace than Canadian non-commercial flights as a whole. It's understandable the USA has and continues to tighten it's border security (Mexico?), but it's a two way street and they should not set an example by walking, driving or flying across the line without giving Canada's prior notice and receiving permission.

It's a bad precedent.


posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by valkeryie
Back from a lengthy hiatus...
Time for Canada to assert itself. The passage is ours. We have land below and above the passage, kind of like the Panama Chanel.

(I'm using special software to translate from English to Canadian)

Oi, welcome back, eh? How does it feel ter be us 51st state? Some of me Mae West muckers are Canadian. Got beer, eh, luv? There's a Panama Chanel, isit? I like No. 5, smells good. Cheers. Seen any right good footie lately?

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 03:11 PM
... that looked more like Irish slang...

... you've never been to Canada have you.

Anyways, Yes, the waters are ours. All international charts depict it to be within Canadian waters, only the US thinks otherwise... quite frankly their oppinion doesn't matter. The only people we should have to discuss this with is the Russians, they will be needing access more than anyone else.

... maybe we should just rent it out to them.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 03:43 PM
Leaving the "it is mine" and "no, it is mine" beside...

Have you been thinking about the meaning of this "Navigable Passage" news?

"There has been a reduction of the ice cover over the last 10 years of about 100, 000 sq km (38,600 sq miles) per year on average, so a drop of 1m sq km (386,000 sq miles) in just one year is extreme," Mr Pedersen said.

I bet that the melting is taking place at a much faster rate than they are saying. They might not be aware of the real rate of melting...

That this Passage is open and that the other Passage is close to be navigable too is serious because it means that the melting is happening VERYfast and therefore dangerous for all mankind on Earth living on low areas...

Don´t you think so?

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 12:13 PM
Yeah! Good for us!

Maybe I'll go open an arctic resort up on Elsmere Island or something.
With all that melting ice I'm sure gonna have some good fishing and I'm sure all that slush will keep the beers cold.

Seriously, won't that open up some new fishing grounds for the local Inuit and the other first nation tribes. Seems to me that there's an economic plus side for the locals.

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by Badge01

Originally posted by valkyrie
Back from a lengthy hiatus...
Time for Canada to assert itself. The passage is ours. We have land below and above the passage, kind of like the Panama Chanel.

(I'm using special software to translate from English to Canadian)

Oi, welcome back, eh? How does it feel there be us 51st state? Some of me Mae West muckers are Canadian. Got beer, eh, luv? There's a Panama Chanel, is it? I like No. 5, smells good. Cheers. Seen any right good footie lately?

That's the worst Canadian impersonation I have EVER seen in my whole entire life. Matter of fact I dont think anyone will ever beat this.

As for Russia, they should just shut up with their claims to our waters, they sold Alaska, what more do they want?

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