posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 10:08 PM
The problem with an attack on American soil has always been logistical in nature. Our Eastern and Western borders are surrounded by thousands of miles
of open ocean, and the few "enemies" we have are literally on the other side of the planet.
Coming over the north or south poles presents similar problems. Plus, Canada and Mexico are both allies.
In addition, any attacking force would have to travel either over or around nations that are friendly to the U.S., who would likely alert us if our
web of spy sattelites and spy aircraft did not dectect them first.
So far, the only effective way to attack the U.S. mainland is through pre-meditated terrorist attacks involving small groups of fighters with a
specific goal.
Note: There are some who argue that if Iran is indeed supplying the militias in Iraq, then we are technically at war with them currently. However,
overtly attacking Iran would not be a good idea right now, since their oil and natural gas goes to Japan and Russia, who would not be very happy with
Edit: (Hehe, forgot to answer the whole draft thing)
The draft will only be reinstated in the event of an overt attack and invasion of Iran. Our military is stretched very thin at this point, and
additional troops would be required in order to direct and accomplish tasks on the ground inside Iran. Is it possible? Yes. Is it likely? No.
[edit on 14-9-2007 by RockerDom]