posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 01:51 PM
Ive heard many theories, but this has to be right up there. Well, its an idea sure, but there isnt much substance to it, or any real evidence that
this has been done. If we are all to assume that there are people running the world behind the scenes so to speak, then we can count on things not
getting out of hand in the United States. I always felt that 9/11 was the minimum that they had to dont castrate me yet. You might think that
knocking down 2 towers and hitting the Pentagon is a big deal in itself, but if you really think about...its the bare minimum that was deemed
dispensable. You know what, Im not gonna go there. But my point is, I dont believe the US is in any real danger from being annihilated or anything
like that, but it does face the problem that it will no longer be the sole superpower.