posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 12:47 AM
Back in elementary, I was about 7 or 8 maybe younger, I remember having a dream that really stuck in my head, to this day, it still makes me wonder.
Unfortunately, I don't remember the beginning details of it but in this dream I was rescuing a girl, (In real life this girl was in my classes and I
guess you can say I had sort of a crush on her if you will), she was being chased by a giant robot, sort of "transformerish" if you will. Anyway,
at a certain point of my dream I managed to pick up this girl in my arms and start to carry her away, I guess I was running.
At this point, I turn up to look at the robot. The robot was standing behind something, a house maybe? Well, as I turn up to look at it, it started
to fire bullets and mini rockets at me. As soon as I got hit by one of those bullets I slowly started to slip back into consciousness. The bullet
hit me on the upper chest, lower shoulder area. My left side.
As I was waking up, I could not help but notice that I was feeling the pain of the bullet that hit me. The pain went from extreme to nothing, in
essence, it faded away as I awoke. Even as I was halfway between unconsciousness and consciousness I could feel the pain, and when I was fully awake
I felt soreness, and then it went completely away.
Now I ask. Can people feel pain in dreams? Can people physically feel in there dreams? All these years this dream has bothered me because I have
not had a dream like this one since then. I've had very strange dreams but none were I physically felt anything, specially when I was still
partially awake.