posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 11:39 AM
Something really has me miffed. How can Bush call this a
troop withdrawl?
I thought that "Surge" meant that there would be a temporary increase in troops to try and make some differences in various regions in Iraq. While
the jury is still out on the success of the surge, Bush is already taking credit for there being a troop "withdrawl" next summer??!!
So let me get this straight. There were 130,000 troops before the surge. The surge took levels up to 160,000. So in my opinion, taking the 30,000
"surge troops" out can NOT be considered to be a troop reduction. Isn;t that just ending the surge?
Even more frightening is that this pretty much solidifies the fact that we will have 130,000 troops in iraq for at least another year!