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Less Meat, Less Heat -- Fewer Steaks may Save Planet

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posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 12:32 PM
Guess we'll also have to get rid of all the human males on earth. Sheesh, they're burping and farting all the time! Shame on you is you who are killing our fair earth.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Grailkeeper
Has science ever stated WHEN Global Warming started?

Millions of years ago, there were mega heards of Herbivores running around farting, large ones at that.

That's a really good point!

I bet there were far more bison in North America in pre-columbian times than there are cows now.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by closettrekkie

While we're on the subject of farting, how about them Mexicans, eh? Eating all those burritos and other farty food

On-topic: If you're looking for meat substitutes, may I recommend the tempeh. Absolutely delicious!

Of course, you've gotta fry that thing first, perhaps with palm oil

Mod Edit: Image Hotlinking – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 13/9/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 12:48 PM
You are buying false global warming propaganda. If you really believe that humans, eating meat is causing global should take the next rational step in that line of thinking....... KILL YOURSELF!!!

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 01:00 PM
I've just solved all the World's problems - there will be a unitary Government consisting of ATS members.

O.K. so maybe we'll never solve anything 'cos we'll all be too busy tickling each other to death with the natural humour pervading this site.

It's a pleasure to be part of it!

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 01:08 PM
Seems that thread where I got so much flaming has been vindicated - again

All of the points I raised have been in the news and most have been posted about in the months since I wrote it

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 01:13 PM
What about all the useless junk that is manufactured and transported around the world. How many plastic doodads and trinkets are really needed. What about the people who think cruising around the city to look cool and pass the time.

Just how much can be reduced by reducing excess in society. If everyone wants to do as they please then we'll all just have to live with it until it runs out.

Seems like drawing the line at food instead of other things might be going about it in the wrong direction. It's our children who will be paying the real cost.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by roadgravel
Seems like drawing the line at food instead of other things might be going about it in the wrong direction. It's our children who will be paying the real cost.

Exactly! There are whole lot of other sources of greenhouse gasses that should be given more attention to. Food shouldn't be one of them. People need to eat. People don't need several cars.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 01:35 PM
Now, this is getting more stupid by the minute

How the H... did the world survive this long, if the livestock is responsible for global warning?

With all the livestock that's been around for all of these thousands of years...
There were more farms in the past!

What's next.....? Law against farting more than once per month?

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 01:39 PM
I agree that we need to limit our consumption of beef, but I don't think it will have a significant impact unless we completely become vegans. Simply avoiding meat for a day or two would not stop restaurant chains and businesses from over producing cattle meat.

Fast food chains, like McDonalds will always create burgers, even if people don't order them, and if they're not sold, then they're thrown away. Just looking at McDonalds for one day, and including every franchise it has all over the world, this can amount to a huge quantity of wasted meat. Now factor in ever other restaurant that doesn't "cook to order" and you can see that they too over produce beef too.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 03:44 PM

Could we stay on topic, please?

The direct topic is whether or not eating meat would reduce pollution.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by Byrd

Could we stay on topic, please?

The direct topic is whether or not eating meat would reduce pollution.

in case i havent made it abundantly clear by now, I can't even imagine a fantasy world where this would make sense.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 03:51 PM
I think you've mentioned an excellent point, Forestlady.

Originally posted by forestlady
The problem is that it takes more land to raise beef than to produce crops.

And it takes more time to raise a cow to slaughter weight than it does to raise a chicken (or fish or shrimp) to that level. In terms of getting protein, eating smaller animals that grow more rapidly makes better sense.

They're also lower in cholesterol, which may not concern some of you but is an issue for me and my husband.

The issue of more acerage means that the production units have to be farther away from cities, which means it costs more to haul them to slaughter and to bring them to the cities. The beefsteak didn't just trot up to the kitchen and say "cook me!"

And then there's the smell and the pollution from those large farms (we lived near a hog farm once... un-BELIEV-able!)

I realize that many folks don't want to give up meat, but I think eating less meat (or switching to chicken instead of constantly eating beef) is a good idea.

It's a pity we don't explore still other possibilities, such as guinea pigs and rabbits. I know folks eat those, but not regularly.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 04:33 PM
so what you're telling me...the biggest contributer to "global warming" is natural....and the easiest way to get rid of by growing fatter?...(or eating more and going to the gym twice as often to look like ahnold)

global warming is's algore's "terrorism"

p.s. byrd....i like tastes like chicken....but the meat is more tough...i even killed and cooked it meself....

[edit on 13-9-2007 by wenfieldsecret]

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by closettrekkie
Guess we'll also have to get rid of all the human males on earth. Sheesh, they're burping and farting all the time! Shame on you is you who are killing our fair earth.

Actually we admit it when we fart. Women lie and blame it on men. We go along with it because we don't care. DENY IGNORANCE

On topic.

PETA is well known all over the world due to their insane antics, including numerous criminal acts and lately because of them being caught practicing their real agenda. The killing of all Domestic Animals including everyones pets. You sure you are not a member? They are in the middle of a campaign that matches this post? I think they are going broke so they are trying to cover up their real purpose and recruit Vegans and Global Warming Activists.

If Animal Protein were to be removed from our diets a huge part of the worlds population would starve to death. It takes huge quantities of protein rich crops to replace the needed protein for survival. The only real answer is to reduce the number of humans. If Third World Countries would start educating their citizens about not creating babies they can not even feed the problem would be better solved.

Prior to the Industrialized World herds of Buffalo in North America are described as being so large that it took "days" for a single herd to pass. In all the data I've ever seen they pretend their are more Ruminants now (lie number 1) and that the animals then were not flatulent (lie number 2) by failing to include their methane contribution which gives false data about the past (lie number 3). Yes they were less flatulent due to diet but there were far more of them. Every time a researcher leaves this fact out of there little pie charts to convince you that the methane levels are rising because we are eating our normal diet they are lying on purpose. Pisses me off actually. I have a copy of Scientific American in my files with charts claiming Ruminents contributed no methane prior to Industrialization and Farming. Yeah sure

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by Byrd

What you say makes sense

I eat mainly wild game and fish. A genuine natural diet. I can do that because of where I live and I realize others can not.

One problem with relying too much on grains is that the body rebels. A carb is a carb is a carb. Its all sugar and we did not evolve to eat grains as grazing animals did. When I gave up most carbs my blood pressure went down to normal and my cholesterol is perfect. I eat lots of meat. If I eat bread or grain products my numbers go bad again.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555Prior to the Industrialized World herds of Buffalo in North America are described as being so large that it took "days" for a single herd to pass.

The problem is that they weren't as closely packed as cattle in a feedlot.

If they were, they would have trampled the grass to mud and the rear part of the herd would be dropping over from starvation. In addition, we didn't have those bison AND a thousand industrialized cities with over a million inhabitants each

Drop an industrialized population of over 6 billion down and then add in those bison and you'll see air quality and water quality that will (literally) make you sick.

Yes they were less flatulent due to diet but there were far more of them. Every time a researcher leaves this fact out of there little pie charts to convince you that the methane levels are rising because we are eating our normal diet they are lying on purpose.

They assume that you can figure out that feedlots and herds aren't similar things. And they assume that you will understand that billions of cows plus billions is not the same thing as millions of buffalos.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by Byrd
The problem is that they weren't as closely packed as cattle in a feedlot.

How does that matter? I would think X number of cattle with Y amount of food would pretty much excrete the same things whether they were closely packed together or had a big range.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 07:33 PM
I think we need to address the leather issue!
As previously stated, I'm a vegan through choice but there's no way I'm giving up leather shoes - it's a natural breathable product for your feet.
Also, I can't see women giving up their handbags any time soon.
And will cowboys become extinct.

I'm sure there must be a financial forum on here somewhere - so start stockpiling those hides.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77

Originally posted by Byrd
The problem is that they weren't as closely packed as cattle in a feedlot.

How does that matter? I would think X number of cattle with Y amount of food would pretty much excrete the same things whether they were closely packed together or had a big range.

this is my understanding exactly! I have not seen/heard/read anyone address it, either on here, on the internet or in the media, period.

This is just unbelievable, and completely discredits (if that's even possible) PETA even more.

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