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9/11 and what the real disaster was.

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posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 11:18 PM
For hundereds of years WE, that's all of in the west not just the yanks, have been living the good life.

Did any of us ever stop and ask "Where does it all come from?"

Maybe a very small minority but the rest of us just buried our heads in the sand and said, "Who cares, let the good times roll."

The fact is that we took and took from the world and didn't stop to count the cost and well, now it's time to pay the piper.

Hard work and grit might have made our nations but it was blood and corruption that payed our way through.

How many millions have been oppressed, exploited, maimed, tortured and killed so that we can live like we do? Countless millions, probably even billions. I probably picked a hard way to bring this up but I know I have your attention so listen.

We ARE ALL guilty.

Sucks doesn't it, we all asked for this through ignorance, apathy and shallow, lazy, selfish and materialistic thinking.

So, I don't feel sorry and I don't feel respect in this case. I feel ashamed.

At home here we do remember certain rituals like ANZAC day to commemorate our war dead. They were young men decieved into fighting the wars of manipulators and profiteers, I feel sorry for them and respect their service. They really didn't have a choice or a chance.

This is the difference, we HAVE a choice AND a chance but decided to just let things keep rolling along and not pay any attention to the corruption and scandal that was maintaining us. We turned an opportunity for self examination and improvement into a quest for empty vengance. This same quest is being perpetuated in the unholy name of profit. This is the real disaster.

Now I am not saying lets all wear a tea-towel on our heads and go convert to Islam. Rather we should start making more of the rights we have to ensure that those fat scumbag crooks at the top are accountable for what they do. The governments we CHOOSE and PAY FOR are doing most of their dirty little tricks behind our backs with no though for the consequences and it is high time we started really using our power as citizens of a democracy to induce a bit of bloody change in this world.

Dammit, I am only one person but I will find a way to fights these [snip] alone if I have to because I have a family, friends and hopes for the future too and those hopes don't include living in a fallout shelter and scavenging through rubble for tinned food for the rest of my life.

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 14-9-2007 by elevatedone]

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 07:16 AM
I agree with everything except a couple points.

I will take bloody change as a common english metaphor and hope for the end of bloodshed as you so eloquently spoke of.

Although my tea towel is belief in Jesus Christ. I find that is my way to my heaven on Earth and Eternity, I respect a head wearing tea towel that believes in peace as I have been told many Islams do, a diaper wearing tea towel like Ghandi also has my respect, for he lived the law of Love we are taught by Jesus.

The only use of the tea towel I object to is the use as a blindfold to keep us from facing the ramifications of our actions, and to allow us from not having to look into the eyes of the millions we have lined up infront of the firing squad of greed and selfishness.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 06:31 AM
Hi Redge,

Thanks for replying to my post.

Yes 'bloody change' was used in a metaphorical and not a literal sense, unfortunately however change is often bloody so my usage is, unintentionally, correct in two senses.

It is good to see that believers in peace and mutual respect exist still and that some religious followers are actually following the teachings of their religions and not the path to dominance that many pervert these teachings into.

I have been very angry at the way this world is travelling for some time not, we are in dire peril. People need to be reminded that there is more to existence than the opinions of media magnates and politicians. People also need to remember that they can have a say if they have the courage to stand up and be counted instead of surrendering to apathy and laziness.

We have come far enough to equip ourselves for the future, to continue as a species into a maturity which will reveal to us a lot which has been hidden until now.

I only hope that enough of us realise this before it is too late.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 06:48 AM
Just wanted to say initially Jimmy, excellent avatar - I use the same pic on MSN! The video is hilarious!

Secondly, to answer your point; I agree absolutely. The one contribution I wanted to make to this thread is a quote which I think aptly sums up the whole situation:

"The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato.

In fact, I think that's such a great quote I'm going to make it my signature. I have only one problem with it as is applies to the world of today; the fact that so many display total indifference to public affairs, I would suggest, is because they are NOT good men. They are lazy, complacent, ignorant, arrogant, lots of things. Maybe a more apt quote for today would be:

"The price brainwashed, lazy and indifferent but otherwise good people pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men."

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by JimmyBlonde

That's a long post, and I read it, but you're rambling so much I can't figure out what exactly your point is.

What are you trying to say again?

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by fweshcawfee
reply to post by JimmyBlonde

That's a long post, and I read it, but you're rambling so much I can't figure out what exactly your point is.

What are you trying to say again?

It was just some stuff about mudkips.

Do you liek mudkips?

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by JimmyBlonde

I don't know what a mudkip is.

Dramatic critter ava is the shiznit though

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by fweshcawfee
reply to post by JimmyBlonde

I don't know what a mudkip is.

Dramatic critter ava is the shiznit though

Gotta love teh drama!

posted on Sep, 23 2007 @ 10:23 PM
First of all, JimmyBlonde, I noticed you made me one of your friends here on ATS. Thanks a lot. At least somebody around here noticed that I'm somewhat coherent.
I have this saying I always use that you reminded me of.
"Convenience is suicide."
What we think of as freedom is not freedom at all. It is convenience and luxury. Real freedom requires everyone to be responsible for their actions. The freedom we're taught about is actually complete and utter dependence. Every move we make is half assed. We just sign the check, swipe the card, pay the bill, balance the books, and we think we're responsible adults. We don't question whether the companies we work for engage in malevolent behavior, as long as they put food on the table. We don't question where our money comes from, and when someone does question it, many respond by simply guilt tripping the person who is questioning it by saying "You should just be thankful for it." I should just be thankful for it? I should just accept tainted goods that were aquired because, directly or indirectly, of the blood and tears of the innocent are being shed all over the rest of the world? I should just be happy that I'm not them? How am I not them if I can feel their pain, if I can cry for them? How am I not them if I am on the same planet as them and I am the same species as them and I have the same eventual fate as them? To those who try guilt tripping me into conformity, it won't work. To those people, I say SHAME ON YOU for being consumed by your greed... because greed will be the death of us all, and people who are thankful to be American don't realize who they are thanking. It's certainly not God.

posted on Sep, 23 2007 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by JimmyBlonde
For hundereds of years WE, that's all of in the west not just the yanks, have been living the good life.

Did any of us ever stop and ask "Where does it all come from?"

Good Evening JimmyBlonde! (is that a beer?)

I appreciate your thinking. Looks like you used some strong words the mods edited out. Gotta watch that potty mouth!!

9-11 happened because of all of us (living in the ‘industrialized’ world). It was orchestrated to secure our ‘non-negotiable way of life’. Our entire world is based on oil. We Americans have carried consumption laden-lifestyles to the extremes. But world population figures also exploded in the 20th century because humanity goosed food production by applying/leveraging energy from oil.

Humans behave (relatively) ‘civilly’ only as long as they are fat and happy. The minute they have to do without they go ape and all discipline seems to break down. Our leaders figure that they can never admit to the public if ‘there are problems’ (in this case dwindling oil supplies) without causing panic and anarchy. E. g. our financial markets can only function if people believe in the ‘future’ and continue to invest.

No one wants to hear the truth. So the 9-11 orchastrators probably figured they had their backs against the wall and needed to make some ‘tough decisions’ (blow up four WTC’s and conquer Iraq) for sakes of the general welfare of the American public and the rest of the world. Again, only crude oil enables farmers in Kansas to grow wheat for starving Somalis.

If we all were a little less “shallow, ignorant, apathetic, lazy, selfish, materialistic and greedy perhaps we could have bought us some more time (for figuring out a solution to energy and environmental problems) by living a draconically modest lifestyle (no heaters, a/c’s or cars). But we’re not biologically hardwired to do that. It’s in our nature to be as greedy as possible. Evolution normally favors resource hogs. Trouble is humankind is using technology to override all natural negative feedback mechanisms — temporarily. Negative feedback will still follow of course, but to our detriment in a sudden dramatic way.

How exactly is that tinned food going to get into the rubble you don’t want to have to scavenge through?

The Wizard In The Woods

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 03:18 AM
Hi, thanks for your response.

Originally posted by Wizard_In_The_Woods

Good Evening JimmyBlonde! (is that a beer?)

No, it's a play on words. James Bond / Jimmy Blonde.

Evolution normally favors resource hogs. Trouble is humankind is using technology to override all natural negative feedback mechanisms — temporarily. Negative feedback will still follow of course, but to our detriment in a sudden dramatic way.

How exactly is that tinned food going to get into the rubble you don’t want to have to scavenge through?

The Wizard In The Woods

Evolution actually eliminates resource hogs, they are successful only in the short term until the resources dwindle and stronger, more efficient spiecies take over.

Hi indierockalien, thanks for this.

"Convenience is suicide."

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 11:51 PM
It's true! Convenience is the prison without bars. It is the invisible warden. It is the ultimate way to make people think they are free.

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