posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 02:44 PM
The Secular Record
"Scientists don't know why people die because our bodies are designed to live forever." Robert Buckley, High School Math Teacher, Blue Mountain,
circa 1980
For the Atheist or Agnostic or anyone else for that matter, the concept of immortality is then substantiated to some extent by the Constellations of
the Zodiac themselves where Hercules holds the Tree of Life in his hands while in mortal combat guarding its precious fruit with the surrounding
constellations and decans supplementing that story. There we see Scorpio trying to rob Hercules of immortality as well as the Centaur trying to obtain
some of that fruit for himself and Sagittarius arriving to the aid of Hercules.
There are those who say that the Zodiac Story is at least 5,000 years old - when the summer solstice was in Leo - and thus this record dates back to
before the Exodus and is one of the oldest records in mankind's history and it also presents immortality, not as a myth, but as a reality - a
reality, by the way, worth fighting, and dying, for.
The mythologies that arose from these constellations also state, emphatically, that some of that life giving fruit was indeed acquired and, as any
Shrink worth his Salt will tell you, all traditions and mythologies and Folk Lore assuredly arose from some type of historical, actual event in the
This, by the way, would include modern Folklore such as movies, books and periodicals most, if not all, of which is produced by corporations that some
would say are under the control of the people who currently run the world and thus serve to further the goals of the Insider run Illuminati.
The Special Record
"The absence of such signs indicates that hydra does not undergo senescence and is potentially immortal." ("Mortality patterns suggest lack of
senescence in hydra," D.E. Martinez, Experimental Gerontology, pg 223, 1998)
There are actually a couple of species that never age or that can rejuvenate their life and, that being the case then it is obvious that immortality
is not totally impossible at all but is, in fact, a very real phenominum which would include, one would imagine, spontaneous cell reproduction at
enormous rates, as when a frog regrows a limb or in "transdifferentiation" (Scott F. Gilbert, "Cheating Death: The Immortal Life Cycle of
Turritopsis," Developmental Biology, 8th edition, March, 2003) which is actually a cellular rejuvenation or, to put it in plain English, the fountain
of youth.
So, the Sacred, Secular and Special Sciences lend their testimony to the possibility of immortality and it is not unimaginable that, given time, our
own scientists would succeed in unlocking the DNA Code itself that would lead to unending life and, in fact, there is an Institute that is dedicated
to this very goal.
"We can no longer pretend that we know so little about how to cure aging that the timing of this advance will be determined overwhelmingly by future
serendipitous discoveries: we are in the home straight already." (Aubrey de Grey, The Scientific Conquest of Death, The Immortality Institute,
October, 2004)
It is also not inconceivable that some Ancient Society - for the Christians, Jews and others that would be the antediluvian world - that Robert Bauval
(The Orion Mystery, etc) and others postulate existed on this planet in the prehistoric past, may themselves have cracked the code that led them to
produce immortality.