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So Because Osama Bin Ladin is Still Alive, Does That Mean That He's Responsible for 9/11?

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posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 09:11 PM
I'm sorry but it just boggles my mind that an Islamic religious fanatic who hides in caves with a laptop is the instigator of those events that happened on 9/11?

Does anyone here think he had help with this? Just wondering. Forgive me for even wondering about this but to tell me that a guy who travels by donkey is able to out-do a gov't such as ours that spends millions of dollars a year on national defense was able to penetrate that to launch a horrific attack as he supposedly did is just too much to wrap my brain around. Am I nuts for thinking that this is a bunch of hogwash? Please let me know because all reality checks are pointing in other directions.

[edit on 11-9-2007 by Palasheea]

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 09:18 PM
I just saw a news story saying he wasn't in Afghanistan anymore... watch the neocons find "evidence" that he's in Iran

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 10:14 PM
Not to correct you or anything, but I dont think he is in a cave.... Since he has hair dye and supposedly kidney problems which he should not be alive after 7 years in a cave.... So I am having a hard time believing the propaganda that he is running and in a cave.... Sure doesnt seem like it

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 10:45 PM
Osama Bin Laden has not been linked directly to 911. The FBI believe Bin Laden is a possible mastermind linked to the American Embassy bombings in1998, but is not being linked for September 11, 2001. Not only that, Osama Bin Laden denies any responsibility for 9/11, though he supports it happening. I believe George Bush only links Osama with Al Queda, which is in turn a terrorist organization threatening many parts of the world and causing some problems in Iraq (along with other islamic extremists and bordering country rebels).

[edit on 9/11/2007 by infinite8]

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 12:02 AM
some one just break out the face regognition software and match this new face to that of the old ones that we know are him...

You will probaby find that it is not him..."

sincxe when do they trim their beards and dye them black. i mean come on...

the more you read into it the more it doesn't make sense.

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