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"I get what this is now"- The meaning of Life and Death.

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posted on Jan, 20 2004 @ 09:14 AM
Sadly, Jodie Lane of New York was electrocuted to death on Friday. She was walking her two dogs on her normal route when the two dogs began to whince in pain and bite one anthor. Jodie attempted to pull the two dogs apart and in the process stepped onto the electirfied panel as well.

Several Bystanders stated that Lanes last words were simply "I get what this is now". All news publications that I have read explain this away as Lane understanding what was happening to her and her two dogs.

Think for a moment. Did she understand her current problem or did she in her final moment unravel something that is greater than all of us? Did she finally understand the meaning of Life and Death? Maybe she understood what was to come next, we will never know until we follow her but, ask yourself what was the "this" that she came to know.

Some onlookers from Friday night noted Lane's final words Friday night before collapsing: "I get what this is now,"

"The woman was upset, she didn't know what was happening," Slifkin said. "All of the sudden she started walking, took a few steps and said, 'I get what this is now,' and fell

Quotation 1 Taken from here

Quotation 2 Taken from here

posted on Jan, 20 2004 @ 09:35 AM
I don't necessarily think this means anything. She could have realized life was just a big nothing.

posted on Jan, 20 2004 @ 11:04 AM
yes, but it also is interesting because it can mean she did see something, figure something out. Its too bad nothing more can be said ... either her words meant something or not, simple as that

posted on Jan, 20 2004 @ 11:44 AM

Did she understand her current problem

Actually, I think she understood her "current" problem....
Sorry, couldn't "resist" it....Oh my, that was even worse.....
That's a pretty "shocking" story..

Well, not to make light of the dead...that's pretty freaky... I'm betting she simply understood why the dogs were acting like they were....

The good news is, we'll all find out for ourselves one day... The bad news is, we won't be able to tell anyone else about it....

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok

Did she understand her current problem

Actually, I think she understood her "current" problem....
Sorry, couldn't "resist" it....Oh my, that was even worse.....
That's a pretty "shocking" story..

Well, not to make light of the dead...that's pretty freaky... I'm betting she simply understood why the dogs were acting like they were....

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 10:03 AM
" I get what this is now "

probably knowing God has certain ways of bringing you into the after life and realizing it
after getting shocked pretty badly she realized she would not live and that is why the dogs were fighting that day, so she realized
it was her time, i think.


posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 10:14 AM
Wow This is a really weird story. We can all speculate what she meant... but in the end we will never know.

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 10:46 AM
maybe she finally realised the panel she stepped on wasnt any old panel

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 10:58 AM
being as i live in new york this story really isnt funny at all. i mean this lady was walking her dogs and a panel to an electric box that was corroded from years of salting, electricuted her.

as to what she meant by what she said she was probably just commenting on the current issues at hand. i remember reading a post not to long ago about how perception slows down? or speeds up? when things happen to you. she probably was just commenting on what was going on at that time.

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 11:01 AM
maybe she realized she wasn't meant to stay alive. psychologically, she could have been preparing herself. Perhaps as she lay frightened, she was trying to keep herself alive, and then psychologically, changed, because she knew that it was her end.

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by BlackJackal
Sadly, Jodie Lane of New York was electrocuted to death on Friday. She was walking her two dogs on her normal route when the two dogs began to whince in pain and bite one anthor. Jodie attempted to pull the two dogs apart and in the process stepped onto the electirfied panel as well.

Several Bystanders stated that Lanes last words were simply "I get what this is now". All news publications that I have read explain this away as Lane understanding what was happening to her and her two dogs.

Think for a moment. Did she understand her current problem or did she in her final moment unravel something that is greater than all of us? Did she finally understand the meaning of Life and Death? Maybe she understood what was to come next, we will never know until we follow her but, ask yourself what was the "this" that she came to know.

Some onlookers from Friday night noted Lane's final words Friday night before collapsing: "I get what this is now,"

"The woman was upset, she didn't know what was happening," Slifkin said. "All of the sudden she started walking, took a few steps and said, 'I get what this is now,' and fell

Quotation 1 Taken from here

Quotation 2 Taken from here

we all learn the meaning of life and death when the grim reaper takes us by the hand and explains

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 11:22 AM
I smirked at the comment ...

Anywhere from 118 to 120 volts and zero to 500 amperes ran through the wires in the malfunctioning utility box, power-company workers said. One worker estimated that 200 to 300 amperes shot through Lane.

Although the incident is tragic, the actual facts are misleading I believe.

Looking at the picture of the repairman at the actual box doing repairs, it looks like no more than a street lamp pole post or a light signal pole post.

It only takes about 600 milliamperes to stop the human heart. If there were about 300 amps going thru the dogs or the woman, she would have probubly burst into flame. Amps do not jump out. Amps are the force of the voltage going thru the resistance. A human body naked has over 1 Megohm resistance top to bottom dry. Even if wet the voltage would likely travel the surface of her skin to find ground, mostly bypassing the heart. At 120 volts it is very unlikely that 200 amps of current flowed thru her. More likely it would have been maybe an amp or two.

If that is a light pole or street light, it is very unlikely that there is more than 30 amps of current flowing thru the wires, and if the wires were still connected, the brunt of power flow will still go thru the wires, even if you stick your toung on it.

The pole obviously metal, should by all means be tied to earth ground, and the failure was probubly a chaffed insulation on the hot wire touching the metal box. If the ground connection had not failed, this would normally blow a breaker or fuse, but if the ground failed, then the metal box would be at line potential, 120 vac. If she did touch it, she may have drawn enough current to kill her, ...but not 300 amps! Probubly an amp or two.

Yes the source wire may be able to 'provide' 500 amps, but the resistance to draw this would have to be very low, like one or two ohms, not the mega ohms that probubly existed when this happenned. One or two ohms would be the equivelent of a metal shorting bar, dropped directly across the circuit, which she wasnt, she was just additional circuit resistance.

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 01:12 PM
Thats somethin you say when you have a deja vu

I think she figured out what it was that killed her.

I guess she read Fat Pants and Good Bones instead of Bad Amps and Good Ohms

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 01:18 PM
Perhaps, as she has a pair of dogs, she had spotted this panel on several occasions before she died. Often dog-walkers have some route they take when they are out.

When she says "I get what this is now" she's probably come to some conclusion on what the panel was.

And anyways, why was there some electrified panel out in the open for any member of the public to step on in the first place!?


posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 01:25 PM
It probubly wasnt left in the open so much as it is a closed panel in each light post closed with screws.

The actual place and pole of the event...being repaired.

Maybe the dog was looking for a usual relief spot.

Bzzzzt !

[Edited on 25-1-2004 by smirkley]

posted on Jan, 26 2004 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by smirkley
I smirked at the comment ...

Anywhere from 118 to 120 volts and zero to 500 amperes ran through the wires in the malfunctioning utility box, power-company workers said. One worker estimated that 200 to 300 amperes shot through Lane.

Although the incident is tragic, the actual facts are misleading I believe.

Looking at the picture of the repairman at the actual box doing repairs, it looks like no more than a street lamp pole post or a light signal pole post.

It only takes about 600 milliamperes to stop the human heart. If there were about 300 amps going thru the dogs or the woman, she would have probubly burst into flame. Amps do not jump out. Amps are the force of the voltage going thru the resistance. A human body naked has over 1 Megohm resistance top to bottom dry. Even if wet the voltage would likely travel the surface of her skin to find ground, mostly bypassing the heart. At 120 volts it is very unlikely that 200 amps of current flowed thru her. More likely it would have been maybe an amp or two.

If that is a light pole or street light, it is very unlikely that there is more than 30 amps of current flowing thru the wires, and if the wires were still connected, the brunt of power flow will still go thru the wires, even if you stick your toung on it.

The pole obviously metal, should by all means be tied to earth ground, and the failure was probubly a chaffed insulation on the hot wire touching the metal box. If the ground connection had not failed, this would normally blow a breaker or fuse, but if the ground failed, then the metal box would be at line potential, 120 vac. If she did touch it, she may have drawn enough current to kill her, ...but not 300 amps! Probubly an amp or two.

Yes the source wire may be able to 'provide' 500 amps, but the resistance to draw this would have to be very low, like one or two ohms, not the mega ohms that probubly existed when this happenned. One or two ohms would be the equivelent of a metal shorting bar, dropped directly across the circuit, which she wasnt, she was just additional circuit resistance.

That's the kind of lamp post that normally holds a 240V metal halide lamp, the kind with the orange hue, like you might see in parking lots. Although they can be wired for 110V, they're normally run on higher voltage, and use much more current. I couldn't say exactly how much, but it's not a 110V tingle. Have you ever grabbed 240V line voltage before? It's nothing to play with. Not many street lamps use 110V. I know this because I know someone who works for the power company. He had a bunch of old metal halide lamps that were all wired for 240V. This might not be the case in this scenario, but it's possible.

[Edited on 1-26-2004 by Satyr]

posted on Jan, 26 2004 @ 02:59 PM
Well the article was where I got the 120 volts from.(see link on first post)

Yes I have accidentally touched as high as 575 vac line fun....nervous for days.....not too much brain damage,..brain damage..brain da..

sorry ..(jk bout the damage)

And have been bit by 50kv HV low current.

But those poles were quoted as 120 units.

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