posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 06:53 PM
It has become clear to me that a lot of people are all or nothing about 'inside job' or 'official story'. The official reports don't include
bombs in the basement but much evidence points towards this, and then theres the plain as day 'it happened once already' aspect.
So I propose to you (all) this: What if there were bombs in the basement, the planes did hit, and the bombs in the basement were the catalyst that
made the equation whole.
My take is this; its certainly plausible. A shaped charge could have done enough damage to the core to cause the downward fall with the damage on top
starting the collapse to begin with.
This seems like a very interesting theory to me that both deserves a second look and has evidence to support it. here are some points that make it
particularly enticing:
1. CD ct might well be the 'most debunked issue' out there.
2. CD could very well be debunked but this would still allow for a huge conspiracy.
3. I have never completely discounted the "we just did really really bad handling it all" theory, but the buildings coming down has always been the
main stigma there for me. this could allow for both.
4. It could have very well been 'al queida' that did the basement bombing, whereas almost every person I have heard of that supports CD also
supports inside job.