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Why do we chase?

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posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 01:20 AM
For all those folks who have seen the Sasquatch first hand, it is quite an experience. I was thinking about this today. The question that popped into my mind was, "why do I chase it?" For all those who believe 100 percent, why do we continue to chase it? It seems illogical because we know it exists, yet we are not satisfied. For me I want to see it again for closure purposes. It has almost been 30 years now for me, but I feel I need to see it one more time to re enforce the fact it was actually there. Does anybody else think about this question, and if so, I would like to hear your thoughts.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 01:27 AM
Bigfoot exists? Thats news to me

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 01:45 AM
Hey aguila, Care to share your experience with us? Im sure it is an interesting one at that.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by 3_Libras
I am guessing that was sarcasm, right? You have to live or be in in the remote parts of North America to even try to get an opportunity to see it. Let's try to keep those sorts of comments to a minimum. There are those of us who actually believe. Thanx.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by 36chambers
Ok, you asked for it. I will give you the link to my website, and would like to hear your opinion. My first encounter

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 08:34 PM
i think that we chase because we want to know what is unknown.Not to mention bigfoot may be the missing link to discovering alot about where we came from. i wish i could have an experience with a bigfootbut .nutto tell the truth id probly run unless i had my gun.ace

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 11:27 PM
When I was young we lived in the coastal mountain range in northern Oregon. It was a fabulous childhood on a working farm that bordered vast tracks of unused and government lands. I don't have any childhood encounters that I remember but I have a vivid memory of my father scaring me spitless.

We had a back pasture where we grazed the beef cows year round. This was organic before organic. The cows just ate. Something had killed a young steer and dad set out with the hound to find out what it was. This was back in the day when you could make money from bounty hunts. We had paid hard cash for that steer at the auction and I think he was trying to make that cash back. He had hunted other animals for bounty and had a red tick hound that always went with him.

They found the trail that morning and dad was back in just a couple hours. He was scared. And excited. And scared. And excited. And talking about branches broken off "just like a bear" but higher than a bear could reach. He was waving his arm up when he was talking about this and was saying things like "this ain't no bear." He insisted on driving down to town to buy plaster of paris. I didn't realize what that meant and was disturbed by his excitement but as soon as he was driving away it was gone in playtime.

He got back in the late late afternoon. He set out as soon as he arrived. My mother didn't want him to go. He didn't take the dog with him. I wasn't scared until my mom got scared. He was gone for hours ( I assume now to let the plaster set) but the longer he was gone the more frightening the experience was for me. He came back long after dark with a burlap bag with a cast print of a foot. I will have to try to find the picture from my mother and scan it in. It was a human looking foot about twice as big as his. Bare. The two littlest toes had broken off but were still in the bag. To my six year self it seemed huuuuuge. And scary.

This experience was in the early seventies and I can still remember how frightened I was for my father when the sun started to go down. I can't say why he didn't take the dog with him, he always took the dog with him. Maybe it wouldn't go. But that is speculation, and not memory.

And that is why I hunt.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 01:55 AM

Originally posted by aguila
reply to post by 36chambers
Ok, you asked for it. I will give you the link to my website, and would like to hear your opinion. My first encounter

Thanks for sharing your experience aguila i can see how that would have changed your life and the way you look at things, Being so young at the age of ten and the nightmares would not have helped.

I can sort of understand the feeling you got of being frozen when you saw it for the first time, I have seen some things in my life and that feeling is a weird one like half scared half adrenaline.
I can see why you would keep chasing as it must seem natural now with that experience at a young age and growing up in that area.

Any other experiences or close encounters? I would love to hear them and good luck for future chasing.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 04:55 PM
We chase for many reasons. It is human nature to seek answers to the unexplained. We feel we need to know and understand everything. That is why we have sent explorers everywhere we can think to go or possibly reach. That is why we chart everything and record it.

We also chase for fame and maybe also a little bit for fortune. I think mostly though for explanations. For knowledge. For truth.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 05:06 PM
Well said Keymaster. Though I'm not fussy about fame I'd like some of the fortune, lol.We're all adventurers at heart. Treasure seekers. I'll bet there's a high number of folk on this site who used to draw treasure maps as kids, and age them with tea, and an X marking the spot, and roll them up and tie them with string. No? In a world that's been mostly explored there's still a lot of exploring to do if you know what to look for. That's why I chase UFOs. There are no bigfoot in Scotland but we do have The Big Grey Man of Ben Macdhui, but he's too scary and the mountains are too cold.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by 36chambers
That experience was destiny I think. Everything happens for a reason. I suppose that is part of the reason I am here at ATS. Thanks for the feed back. I do have other stories. If you look in my Field Journal on my site, you can read about a harrowing experience that took place in the winter. Other events have occured since. A week after the July 17 / 07 report I was in the area with my son. He got tired of sitting in his lawn chair in the box of the truck, so he took a walk. He got about 100 feet away when I heard a very distinctive wood on wood sound, not more than 30 feet from the truck in the really thick bush. It was the sound of a stick hitting a tree hard. I called the boy back in a hurry, and said hello in three answer. I was in the middle of nowhere anyway. Then this horrible smell hit me, like rotten fish and vomit, like the smell in my first encounter. This happened at sunset. We went back 2 days later and parked about a quarter mile from that spot. We just sit in the truck box and watch. We could see thru the Pines very clearly (no undergrowth). There was a transition to very thick brush about 50 yards ahead of us. I caught a glimpse of something very large and black for about 10 seconds 50 yards ahead. It was bigger than a bear, but I made no positive I.D. Never did see the thing in full view, but the hairs on my neck went up. This place has many sightings to it's credit over the years. About 12 years ago A couple witnessed the creature cross the highway in 4 strides. It is there somewhere.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 11:42 AM
We chase because there are some people in the world who always want 100% evidence of something that has lived or something that has happened. Most people would probably shoot big foot dead then try to capture one.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 09:59 AM
Well ive got a few projects on at the moment but in the coming years I do plan to take a trip to N.America/Canada in search of the elusive bigfoot.
I totally believe he is out there, and would love to see him/her first hand, and I won't have any problem following and maybe even capturing him/her.
But obviously I'm gonna need to do alot more research!


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