posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 12:41 AM
Sure, tons of evidence.........and no inaccurate prophecy can be produced.
Your perfectly entitled to your views but I suspect you've forgotten that speculation ,conjecture and guesswork doesn't realy add up to
objective,impartial,dispassionate evidence (faith not fact).
Also, every doomsday prophet in the history of mankind has so far been proved wrong (and it could be construed as a little irresponsible to predict
warfare 'just a hunch').
Right now you are witnessing the fulfillment of Jeremiah 50 and 51 and Isaiah 13 it the land of Iraq........Babylon.
Yes ,Iraq,Babylon,Mesopotamia,Sumeria....its ironic that many people beleive the Bible has in fact borrowed heavily from the Sumerian texts and is not
an original publication at all (I think the council of Nycea may have plagiarised a little).
As for beleiving a book can predict modern day warfare and politics,I think its an unhealthy mental outlook as instead of attempting to diffuse wars
and prevent bloodshed,you would actively consign yourself to the worst case scenario and just presume its magic.
Anyway did you like the video?