posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by magycpapyri
My sister has played a low profile for many years suspecting foal play from the government i guess i can't blame her for that.
My sister has accounts of her abductions, unlike myself who seem to have a complete mind wipe, taking a few days when little things would suddenly
come back!
Once my husband and myself were taking in a dream state, i had this awful dream when my husband was being subjected to torture was the only way to
explain it. I suddenly opened my eyes and found myself back in my bed.
John was lying beside me and was shaking uncontollably, i tried to wake him because i just knew something had happened to us.
When he woke he said he had an awful dream, i stopped him right there and told him mine, he was shocked at first to think i knew everything he had
He told me he was wanted for what he knew in the future!
They have come back many times for him and once he went taken against his will.
This sounds so farrrr fetched but believe me this stuff has happened to my family over and over.
But as you say without real evidence how can you prove this all happening.
All i can say is that if it could have happened to someone else then i wished it had it has made our life hell. This is why i fear to talk of such