posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 05:28 AM
There's so much more pressure for females to be material objects, not to mention grade school girls being taught to dress sexy. Being
intelligent(female scientist or philosopher) and classy(morals) as a women,dating , is not taught/shown to females in this current age. Feeling that
because their MTV idols and MySpace friends openly show themselves nearly nude, drink, have sex(openly as an adult would), have a boyfriend(or be a
loser attitude),party and do drugs all of the time, they must measure up. Measuring up to a beauty standard, this is really just sex, and not love in
the long run. You can be normal pretty but if you don't dress cheaply flaunting yourself, you won't get attention. Many of these girls seek
attention from men because they lacked having a father figure. As their mind/brain develops, factors like this take a toll on them, growing up is
hard enough without negative factors, thus the suicide happens. Educated the parents, as some schools do with gang prevention, may be a starting
factor to help parent's see the signs of a troubled teen. Other than that society has to straighten up, to watch out for it's youth or we are