posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 08:47 PM
If necessary, I protest this thread being moved, though I'm admittedly not 100% certain where best it should go (but pretty close).
I believe, or definitely want to believe, that the human race will be very thoroughly, formally and unignorably Diagnosed. This will presumably
come from (a) nonhuman(s), but I suppose not necessarily so. (I'm for equality among all intelligent species). What many religious people call
Judgment Day (or just Judgment) will actually be Diagnoses. All the clinical terms will be used: pathos, pathological, pathocracy, pathetic,
sociopathy, psychopathy, neuroses, psychoses etc.
It's difficult to enumerate all the causes of the sickly effects of what is laughably referred to today as "civilization." It's admittedly
difficult to determine what one thing, if any, is more responsible than anything else for the particularly ghastly state of affairs now, but I'm
willing to wager that Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) will prove to be the biggest factor. So much so that I don't even refer
to them as religions any more. They're just psychoses. As Frank Zappa said, "The only difference between a cult and a religion is the amount of
real estate they own."
Apparently the vast majority of people in any given nation belong to one or both of 2 cults. There's the cult of whatever the nation's dominant
religion is (or other religion), and there's the cult of politics and government as we know them with absolutely NO real, significant changes. In
the United States, the 2 cults would be (what I call) the died-for-your-sins cult and the (totalitarian) domination by the National Security state
cult. Cults, however virtually universally not recognized as such the biggest ones are now, are based on tenuous and ineffective principals and
beliefs; and their concurrently stupid and/or evil actions.
If every monotheist on the planet were only interested in enlightenment and real, common sense improvement instead of frivolous, mindless fantasies
of a single Creator of the ENTIRE universe (and all the ridiculousness that accompanies such a notion), we wouldn't be in our current state. The
spiritual people would then vastly outnumber the non-spiritual or anti-spiritual secular people, and there wouldn't be the totalitarian secrecy
"needed" to protect their fragile psychoses that's made a shambles of everything. Ignorance turns out not to be bliss after all. Thus, the
Abrahamic/monotheistic problem is the biggest one there is. Reaching out to the nonhumans and gaining useful knowledge would have been a done deal
probably centuries ago without them.
It's no mere coincidence that the major players in today's (September 6, 2007) chaotic war posturing are from Abrahamic and Abrahamic-influenced
nations. I might be buried in India (Daramsala, hopefully, if so)...