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When dare the first whistleblower of 9/11 come forward?

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posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 12:27 PM
I wander,
There are ongoing discussions and speculations out there, on the internet, as here at ATS to proof the following possibilities of what really happened on 9/11, such as,

Is has happened as the official story tell,

1. That it was the hand of Osama Bin Laden, al Qaeda, and it came fully by surprise?

In this case, then the US had undoubted every right to attack all those, who where responsible for that attack.

Or, it has not happened as the official story tell, and many people believe,

2. That there was foreknowledge of what was going to happen on that particular day, and as unbelievable and terrifying as it sounds it was allowed to happen?

3. Or it was a script from the hell itself, and really an inside job?

In cases 2 and 3 or a combination of them, if they are true, you can draw the terrifying conclusion that there where/are in the US people/groups/corporations who has obviously gain so match power, that they are in the position, under cover of false flag operations, to mislead on a giant scale the American people and therefore also the people of the world.
The obvious reason for that is, and as many of you know, that there are indeed people/groups/corporations who profit at a giant scale financially from the horrors of war.

So, if point 2 and 3 or a combination of them are true, then, to plan and carry out an operation on such a giant scale, there must be many people involved who knows the details.

Then I ask myself the following, how long can a human being, shut his/her mouth and living his/her life happily with his/her wife/man and his/her children, his/her grandchildren, with the notion that he/she was also responsible for that terrible tragedy on 9/11 that causes the loss of tens of thousands of lives, destabilising the world, and put this world but especially the US in a very dangerous position.

I hope, that one day, if point 2 and 3 are indeed true, maybe some of those people, have regret of what they have don then, or can’t live with it anymore, and come forward to tell us their story.

But maybe I am dreaming.

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 11:02 PM
You are living in a dream world. Sorry to say that, but here's the deal, if 9/11 was an inside job, which I believe it was here's how you keep all the people quiet. Donald Rumsfeld said the day before 9/11 that the defense department was missing 1 trillion dollars. Well, 1 trillion dollars could pay 10,000 people 1 hundred million dollars each!!!! 1 hundred million dollars buys A LOT of silence! And do you really think it took 10,000 people to pull off 9/11? If you believe the official story it took 19 hijackers and an ill man in a cave to pull it off. If you believe the 9/11 truthers it took the government to pull it off. Either way, it didn't take 10,000 people. So what's my point............look at the missing money and go from there.

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 12:28 AM

Also the only people that really know enough to be paid any attention to if they 'whistled' are those that planned the attacks, and you know they ain't gonna blow any whistles on themselves.

Trust me, one thing the government spends a lot of time on is covering their own asses. Spend sometime in the military and you'll see.

Also you have to realise not everyone has the conscience you do. The ruling elites don't even see you as Human, whether you live or die is no consequence to them. The loss of a few thousand peasants to them is nothing if it advances their agenda. See the big picture from their angle, and with an understanding of history, you'll see that what they did on 9-11 is not so unbelievable.
Don't forget also they have sent 3500 young Americans to their deaths since then, and you think they care?

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by Cowgirlstraitup7
You are living in a dream world. Sorry to say that, but here's the deal, if 9/11 was an inside job, which I believe it was here's how you keep all the people quiet. Donald Rumsfeld said the day before 9/11 that the defense department was missing 1 trillion dollars. Well, 1 trillion dollars could pay 10,000 people 1 hundred million dollars each!!!! 1 hundred million dollars buys A LOT of silence! And do you really think it took 10,000 people to pull off 9/11? If you believe the official story it took 19 hijackers and an ill man in a cave to pull it off. If you believe the 9/11 truthers it took the government to pull it off. Either way, it didn't take 10,000 people. So what's my point............look at the missing money and go from there.

Originally posted by ANOK

Also the only people that really know enough to be paid any attention to if they 'whistled' are those that planned the attacks, and you know they ain't gonna blow any whistles on themselves.

Trust me, one thing the government spends a lot of time on is covering their own asses. Spend sometime in the military and you'll see.

Also you have to realise not everyone has the conscience you do. The ruling elites don't even see you as Human, whether you live or die is no consequence to them. The loss of a few thousand peasants to them is nothing if it advances their agenda. See the big picture from their angle, and with an understanding of history, you'll see that what they did on 9-11 is not so unbelievable.
Don't forget also they have sent 3500 young Americans to their deaths since then, and you think they care?

Cowgirlstraitup7 and ANOK.

Thanks for your input,
I see, because of your answers, that I had made my personal opinion not clearly at all in my post.
So, to correct that, here it is.
I named three possibilities, 1, 2, 3.
Number 1, was what I believed six to five years ago, and I suppose almost everybody did that to.
Many, believe it still.
Now, after studying so much on the internet, I know better.
I am convinced that the official story was/is one big lie.
So my opinion today is that it must be 2 or 3, of where 3 is the most logic one.

2. That there was foreknowledge of what was going to happen on that particular day, and it was allowed to happen?
And because of that foreknowledge, it was possible to take long before that day arrived, take precautions to bust the attack to the unbelievable scale it has happened.

3. It was an inside job?

But still, I ask myself again the following, how long can a human being, shut his/her mouth and living his/her life happily with his/her wife/man and his/her children, his/her grandchildren, with the notion that he/she was also responsible for that terrible tragedy on 9/11 that causes the loss of tens of thousands of lives, destabilising the world, and put this world but especially the US in a very dangerous position.

I still hope, how small that chance seems to be, that one day some of those people, get problems with their conscience, have regret of whatever, or can’t live with it anymore, and come forward to tell us their story, before congress.

Cowgirlstraitup7, I already new of the missing 2.3 trillion dollars, I have read.
And I am really totally amazed that the American people take no action about that.
So you see, I new that it was missing, and I have even an idea where it is.

ANOK, you said,
Also the only people that really know enough to be paid any attention to if they 'whistled' are those that planned the attacks, and you know they ain't gonna blow any whistles on themselves.

But still, they can never do it only by themselves, so, there must be others in the planning of such an enormous plot, who maybe, one day come forward.

But maybe I am still dreaming.

[edit on 11/9/07 by spacevisitor]

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 10:14 AM
Oh, they'll probably step forward around the time the Kennedy folks do the same. Misery loves company.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by Cowgirlstraitup7
Donald Rumsfeld said the day before 9/11 that the defense department was missing 1 trillion dollars.

9/10/2001... convenient timing for the following to get "buried"...

$2.3 Trillion...

"According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions," Rumsfeld admitted.

"We know it's gone. But we don't know what they spent it on," said Jim Minnery, Defense Finance and Accounting Service.

"The director looked at me and said 'Why do you care about this stuff?' It took me aback, you know? My supervisor asking me why I care about doing a good job," said Minnery.

He was reassigned and says officials then covered up the problem by just writing it off.

"They have to cover it up," he said. "That's where the corruption comes in. They have to cover up the fact that they can't do the job."

The Pentagon's Inspector General "partially substantiated" several of Minnery's allegations but could not prove officials tried "to manipulate the financial statements."

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by MarkusMaximus
Oh, they'll probably step forward around the time the Kennedy folks do the same. Misery loves company.

Well, in my humble opinion, the planning to kill a president like in this tragedy J. F. Kennedy then, is absolute in no compare by the planning of such a giant operation as happened at 9/11.
And even I as a Dutchmen, knows, that it was not Lee Harvey Oswald.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by Cowgirlstraitup7
You are living in a dream world. Sorry to say that, but here's the deal, if 9/11 was an inside job, which I believe it was here's how you keep all the people quiet. Donald Rumsfeld said the day before 9/11 that the defense department was missing 1 trillion dollars. Well, 1 trillion dollars could pay 10,000 people 1 hundred million dollars each!!!! 1 hundred million dollars buys A LOT of silence! And do you really think it took 10,000 people to pull off 9/11? If you believe the official story it took 19 hijackers and an ill man in a cave to pull it off. If you believe the 9/11 truthers it took the government to pull it off. Either way, it didn't take 10,000 people. So what's my point............look at the missing money and go from there.

I'm curious.

You wouldn't even be aware that the Defense Department couldn't track $2.3 trillion (that went missing over a 50 year period) unless Rumsfeld told you himself. Why in God's name would Rumsfeld reveal to the world that they were missing money that they (as you imply) used to pay off people for 9/11?

If you read the speech Rumsfeld gave, it wasn't even about the missing $2.3 trillion. The speech was talking about how they need to update their technology to better track spending and the $2.3 trillion was given as an example of how much is wasted due to the out dated systems. From what I understand, it's not even that the money is necessarily missing, it's that they can't easily account for what it was spent on. The invoices and everything could very well possibly be laying around to account for that money, but because of the antiquated systems they have in place, they can't quickly and easily pinpoint where it went.

In fact, Rumsfeld was even the one basically saying "This is ridiculous, we shouldn't have that much money unaccounted for and we should be able to more easily tell where it's going."

The DoD doesn't even have close to $1 trillion as a yearly budget. As I said before, this was just an example of how much money is currently unaccounted for over a 50 year period.

A little reading to maybe help things out (emphasis mine):

In fiscal 1999, a defense audit found that about $2.3 trillion of balances, transactions and adjustments were inadequately documented. These "unsupported" transactions do not mean the department ultimately cannot account for them, she advised, but that tracking down needed documents would take a long time. Auditors, she said, might have to go to different computer systems, to different locations or access different databases to get information.

In addition, this problem was known well before 9/10 and Rumsfeld even spoke about it previously, so the timing of it can't really be called into question (from July 16, 2001, just one of many examples and mentions of this prior to 9/10/01):

Sec. Rumsfeld: ...As you know, the Department of Defense really is not in charge of its civilian workforce, in a certain sense. It's the OPM, or Office of Personnel management, I guess. There are all kinds of long- standing rules and regulations about what you can do and what you can't do. I know Dr. Zakheim's been trying to hire CPAs because the financial systems of the department are so snarled up that we can't account for some $2.6 trillion in transactions that exist, if that's believable. And yet we're told that we can't hire CPAs to help untangle it in many respects...

[edit on 11-9-2007 by Speakeasy1981]

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by spacevisitor
But still, they can never do it only by themselves, so, there must be others in the planning of such an enormous plot, who maybe, one day come forward.

But maybe I am still dreaming.

Government keeps secrets by using compartmentalization and 'need to know'.

Nobody working on a project or plot (except the planners) see enough of the whole picture to know what they're doing.

Anybody they used to do stuff that was obvious, planting the explosives etc., would have been people who do this stuff for a living. Black ops/private military groups who work for anybody willing to pay.

Who's left to 'whistle'?

Anybody inside who did happen to see, or say, too much would be silenced
or suicided.

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