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Did a star go nova tonight?

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posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 01:03 AM
Well, Beachcoma, throw this into the equation and see if it fits: I saw on a History channel show a representative from HAARP talking about the project. He said HAARP can direct it's energy up to 30 degrees in any direction from the vertical.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 02:06 AM
I saw it and it looked like an explotion of a very big object, it looked huge in the sky, like the size of the moon. There was an afterglow.
I am in london and the view was very good here, as if it happened over london,
most people were asleep, it must have been about 3:00 am.
I wish i had been fully awake i would recorded it. I am hoping someone got it on youtube

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by future flow

As I am typing now, it is raining outside. There's a cup outside that collects rain. It's already 5 cm now. Yesterday it was hot and humid. 2 days ago it was raining as well as the day before that, at 3cm and 7 cm respectively.

No, it's always been this way. Just because it happened to rain heavily throughout the Vietnam War, doesn't mean "the US did it."

Anyway the topic is about a bright flash that occurred in the sky at about coordinates (23:30:00 RA 66:14:00 Dec) as suggested by punkinworks in this post? Why wouldn't anyone comment on the data I posted? A GRB afterglow that happened to be in the right coordinates is a whole lot more plausible then "the US did it."

Sigh.. not everything is a conspiracy by the US, you know.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by thesun

Can you pinpoint whereabouts in the sky you saw the flash? Simple trigonometry can verify if it happened in the upper atmosphere or in deep space.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by Beachcoma

buddy im sorry if you misinterpreted what i said...or if i said it in a way you couldnt understand as to the rain thing i wasnt saying it rained in vietnam because "the us did it" as you put it i simply said im almost 100 percent sure that its an admited fact that the us dabled in cloud"seeding" during that campaign...not a big ole conspiracy my friend just what i understood to be common knowledge and your right this isnt the thread for that..

..and on too your second point i belive that if you read my post it says that your idea seems to be the most plausable one so far....that bieng said even when i was leaning towards it being haarp related it had nothing to do with "conspiracys" haarp is an actual program im sure you know of that and they do use and test the program correct? or is it just there for fun?what i was sayin when i suggested haarp to be the culprate wasnt that it was even relating to the beams themselve but maybe something as a result of the beams playing with the ionosphear...the "experts" ive heard talk about the haarp system arent even 100 percent they know the full extent of what exactally thel effects of using that system i wasnt jumping into a tinfoil hat conspiracy conclusion...i was just sayin that maybe it had summin to do with it because at the time the info you shared wasnt suggested.

now back to what it is that you suggested im not to informed on the subject and since you seem to be..ill ask you to go back read the second post i wrote clearifying what i saw and tell me if that mixed with the fact that others in various locations round the world saw something simaler would fall under the category of what you suggested...and it seems you are a "debunker" or something like that the way you responded to my previous posts....i would like to state i dont think it was et's or anything just looking for answers so dont take what i asked as a challenge take it as me asking an honest question tryina to clarify.thanks

edit for spelling

[edit on 7-9-2007 by future flow]

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by future flow

Sorry. I may have skimmed a bit on your post. When there's a large chunk of text that has no paragraphs in it, I sometimes miss sentences. Forgive me.

In regards to rain in Vietnam, I still think the US had very little to do with it. Cloud-seeding in a rainforest is like... well... not economical -- it's gonna rain anyway, why bother, unless you're attempting to put out forest fires? But that's another subject.

I'm not dismissing the HAARP idea completely though. Like I implied in my previous posts, we still need another eye-witness to pinpoint the location in the sky the flash happened. If it widely differs from the position indicated by punkinworks, then my hypothesis falls apart and the HAARP hypothesis will start to look more real.

No, I'm not a "debunker". I'm just trying to pursue this in a rational manner with the likeliest of possibilities first. In this investigation, I see the hierarchy of likely possibilities to be like this:

(From most possible to least possible, with pre-conditions required)

  1. Meteor burning up in the atmosphere, viewed head on -- requires another witness observing from another location to verify the "tail"

  2. Satellite flare -- requires a satellite to actually be in that location as well as another witness for triangulation to determine altitude (was it in inner-space or outer-space?)

  3. GRB afterglow -- requires another witness (inner-space or outer-space?)

  4. HAARP -- requires same pre-conditions (another eye-witness)

  5. Alien space-battle -- same as above

Possibilities 4 and 5 are the least likely and also the hardest to verify, due to lack of knowledge about either. Possibility 1 is boring, and wouldn't justify this thread going up to 4 pages... yeah I know, it's a selfish reason

Anyway I'm glad we cleared this up

PS -- Use paragraphs, really, it helps get your message across better. Most people (myself included) have a short attention span and paragraphs make the information look easier to digest. Makes it look like small, bite-sized chunks.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by Beachcoma
Most people (myself included) have a short attention span

Well now that you've clarified that
can you please respond to my first post on the page? Thanks.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 06:27 AM

While checking out satellite images of the actual hurricanes on:

GOES Satellite Images

i´ve noticed a very strange bright flash at night over the states. I wondered what is was and i tried to find the source for that flash. Then i´ve seen that this flash covered almost 1/3 of the earth. The source, i think, was somewhere over the pacific.

I first wondered if this is an image error but while checking some closeup images, there clearly was an light falloff, so it was really a very bright flash.

Now i´ve seen this thread, so it must be same. I´ve seen the images on tuesday morning.

Damn, i wish i have some screen captures.

I dont know if it is possible to watch older satellite images on this site. I´ll have a look. But check out htis site, its very cool.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by pjslug

Eh? I thought I've responded to that in the previous post. Never mind, I'll state it clearly in this post.

As I mentioned earlier, I'm not dismissing HAARP yet. But for me to entertain that possibility, I have to be sure that this event happened in the upper atmosphere and not in deep space. For that to happen, we need another eye-witness from another location on Earth to point out or circle the region in the sky they saw the event happening.

If the time and positions match, it means it is something that happened in outer space. If the time matches but the position doesn't, it could be indicative that this happened in the upper atmosphere, in which case I will abandon the GRB hypothesis in favour of the HAARP proposal. If the position matches but the time doesn't, it could still be a GRB, if what I read about it is anything to go by.

So right now for us to solve this mystery, we need another eye-witness in order to establish the locale this event happened at. Fellow member thesun indicated that he saw something happen that night in the sky from London at about 3 am. The timing is interesting because it matches the time punkinworks saw the flash.

Now all we need is the celestial coordinates. For those of you out there who aren't too sure how the system works, this web page explains it pretty well.

If it turns out that the coordinates are the same, then we have more evidence to back the GRB theory. If it doesn't, then, and only then will I start doing the trigonometric calculations. I try to avoid doing math problems if I could. I just like like to gaze at the stars, actually.

[edit on 7-9-2007 by Beachcoma]

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by Beachcoma

your all good with me buddy.and thanks for the tip lol i tend to type fast and so all my stuff does blend i will heed your advice and break my stuff into paragraphs

and on to your list.thumbs up for that too it think itll help this thread alot in in its quest to find out what it is we saw.

i wonder if it would help to go to some other forums that deal specifically with space and see if they have any info of anything happening that night?ill go see what i can find and check back.

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 12:27 AM
Ive been looking thru astronomy forums and such and I havnt found any reports of fireballs or meteors for the time that i saw the flash, still looking.

My buddies says it was somebody jumping in or out of our solar system.

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 12:37 AM
yeai browsed through as many of those types forums as i had time to today and couldnt find anything relavant...maybe its because i dont know the best places to look..but still no succses.

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 05:30 AM
1,173,109,925* individuals in the world with Internet access and nobody else saw anything? Damn.

Originally posted by punkinworks
My buddies says it was somebody jumping in or out of our solar system.

You mean like a hyperspace corridor opening and shutting? Interesting. Maybe. I don't know..

Edit: forgot the *Source...

[edit on 8-9-2007 by Beachcoma]

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 02:35 AM
supernova, heh, thats a good one.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by CPYKOmega

My opinion of this pix: prolly the space station/shuttle in passing orbit. It looks very similar to this in long exposures. ISS/Shuttle is VERY visable just after sunset or before sunrise during dusk/dawn lit sky. You can access sighting opportunities times and places from the ISS NASA spaceflight website for a good look yourself.

.. or possibily it's a large jet taking off or landing from yonder airport/city... but where the red/blue beacons? This would be the landing light which is normally on during approach.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by Francis Bacon

Originally posted by CPYKOmega

.. or possibily it's a large jet taking off or landing from yonder airport/city... but where the red/blue beacons? This would be the landing light which is normally on during approach.

not a jet....more then one person in different locations saw the event in question...and as far as the pic i may be wrong but i think thats just to give and idea i dont htink its an acttual photo of the event.....that being said i truely think that whatever was seen wont be found out...far to much time has will forever remain...a mystery lol

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 12:49 AM
I still think its a GRB afterglow from an event that happened in July. Two months seem just about right for high speed relativistic matter blown off a distant star to reach it's Oort Cloud.

Not gonna do the math!

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 01:49 AM
I still think the likely candidate is HAARP.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by pjslug
I still think the likely candidate is HAARP.

agreed lol but like i said its safe to assume we wont forsure...good to see so many that tried to help though.....gotta love ats for that

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by pjslug

Your guess is as good as mine. And since we're both too lazy to do the math, I guess we can both agree that it definitely was a UFO -- Unidentified Flaring Object

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