posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 03:52 PM
First off, this thread isn't about Katrina, so it may get moved. But i will post a reply anyway.
There are a lot of things that seem to be "in common" with many later day shooters. A great deal of it is thought to be caused by the external world
influencing people.
But on a broader note, it is odd that so many random killers, with only vague motives have surfaced in the last four or five decades. Yes, we've
always had killers, but there seems to be a difference in their motives and thought processing since the 50's.
I don't claim to have an answer, but it is one of those tickles at the back of my mind. I've heard all the stories of mind control and such, but
frankly, I don't put much faith in them. Yet, it's like humans have caught some viral infection that causes them to kill with less reason than in
the past.
Mothers drown their children or throw them out the second story window. Fathers shoot everyone in the home and then themselves. Strangers murder
strangers for no gain. Stalkers and sexual perverts are almost an epidemic.
It almost makes you wonder if there's something in the water. Or the very air we breath. Something that makes the nice kid down the block lose his
grip and kill his best friends little brother for no reason except to see what it feels like to take a life.
Maybe it is all just the pressure of life in these new times, but somehow, on a gut level, it feels more than that. But it's strange that the killer
of Bobby Kennedy has sworn for all these years, and the shrinks don't think he's being deceptive, that he doesn't remember why he wanted to kill
It makes one remember that old movie, The Manchurian Candidate.