posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 07:57 PM
Hey everyone,
I've been an avid reader of ATS for the past few years - but until now haven't created an account.
This post is to try and get some closure on a fairly embarrasing segment of my life - my father.
I haven't been in contact with him for over 10 years now. When I was younger he suffered from manic depression/ bipolar - and he always boasted of
his abillity to communicate with extra-terrestrial entities. He said this was something passed down from generation to generation, and would
eventually happen to me.
Now I'm not a believer - he has mental issues, case closed.
However - I just Google'd his name, wanted to see what he was up to (he's also a very renowned artist, so thought he may have gotten with the times
and created a website.
I was right.
It sounds massively far fetched to me - but I was hoping there would be someone in this forum who has a scientific background / mind, and could debunk
what he's saying. It would help me fine closure.
Sorry if this is wasting people's time, or isn't the right forum.