Concerning Baal, I have reason to believe that this deity is not to be ignored. The site posted next is obviously from people we would rather stay
away from, but, again, it would be a mistake to disregard the info posted.
But to those who know of Jah-Bul-On, the fusion of three extremely-powerful Drac leaders (EA/Yahweh, Baal, Osiris/Aum) this may be of more
(better link)
Researching former/current deities has been a very low priority in my research, but it seems like I need to look into it more. So far, I have been
able to successfully confirm that the name Satan is synonymous (if not, then closely related by family) with many of the gods worshipped by many
people: Jehova, Yahweh (aka E.A., i believe), Jah (in hebrew it's usually spelled G-d because the religion [like freemasony] prohibits writing the
name of their god to keep it nice and secret), Ra, Osiris, Molo/ech, and even Allah. THIS ALONE confirms that the deity most written about in the
Bible, Torah, and Quran is the Draconian king or at least a high-ranking Drac or other alien life-form (ok, so some of you are probably thinking DUH).
To cross-reference this, I checked for the same kind of information direct from the horse's mouth. So, of course, some of the information is
fortified with a retilian bias, hinted with a little bit of seasoned lies. Just warning you not to take everything at face value as they could be
sources of debunking/disinformation.
A freemasonist took his time and wrote this:
further "negative cross-referencing":
another site, probably from a channeller receiving draconian messages
"Looking back through the rear view mirror, we can see that Gods Public Relations' team of prophets and mystics has never been idle. The Secret
Chiefs have been busy transmitting the secrets of initiation and the mysteries of heaven in a coherent and unbroken chain of messages and emblems
since Genesis Day One. This was the day when Moses-Akhenaton left Egypt and changed the name of a monotheistic deity, (Tetragrammaton) from ALLAH to
JHVH which are two facets of a single crystal."
Some info I just ran into... apparently a document called the Zohar is an even BETTER planned out script for end-times than the book of Revelations
written by drac-minion John the Baptist. Apparently, it was written longer ago, too.
On about the Zohar. Here is a site that talks about what will (did) happen on 09/11/2001.
BUT, be warned, it is a site that I have identified with disinformational purposes. But it would be foolhardy to ignore this information, even if some
of it may be tainted.
Interesting excerpts include
"And in the sixth day, shall be seen within 25 days of the sixth
month (Hebrew month of Elul) and shall gather on the seventh
day at the end of 70 days.
In the first day it will be seen in one city, and at that day three
high places shall fall down in that city. And the Palace of Strength
shall fall down. And the ruler of that city (i.e. the angel that is
responsible for this city in the upper worlds) shall die. "
What's interesting is that Elul, the 6th month, started on August 20, 2001. Within 22 days, it was 09/11/01, further fitting the scripted prophecy.
[Edited on 1/17/2004 by AlnilamOmega]