There is a link on that page ( which offers an explanation of the event. However, none of the
audio links WORK. I would like to know what was said after the show went off the air
A few things about the call, itself: Nothing is said. No a single word, which could be used to falsify any of his claims, is said. Nothing except
"extra-dimensional beings," which doesn't give me a whole lot to work with, other than perhaps putting out some wanted posters: Be on the look out
for "beings," last seen in the government, able to transcend dimensions. If found, call electronQM, (1 318 555-4678)
It is stated, that later on, the caller phones back, claiming the whole thing to be a hoax. I don't think this is proof that it was a hoax, because
what is important, to me, is what was said, not who claims to have said it.
Which brings me to the next point, NOTHING was said. While this video is hooky and bizarre, it offers the listener absolutely nothing of intellectual
Maybe somebody really was about the blow the lid off a "hidden reality," but as nothing was said, how can we know?
If I had to guess the validity of this call, I'd say it's fake for the following reasons:
1) The caller says he has little time, ensuring that after introductions, at any point, he reserves the right to abruptly end the call, under that
guise. This is insurance for a) Not having an answer, b) Being caught in a lie, c) verifying anything he's said, d) providing credentials, e) denying
any information, to the listener, upon request. Its basically an escape from the prying hand of the listener, which is not very becoming of a whistle
2) Presumably, whatever he's about to say, he has known about for a long enough time to digest the information. Why, then, is he so emotionally
distraught, tongue tied, and incapable of providing any information we can use?
3) If he is short on time and has the intentions of exposing a secrete, why is he so cryptic?
Why is this audio 99 parts emotion, 1 part anything else? I'll tell you why, because this guy has nothing to tell us. He Throws out a few vague words
and cryptic sentences, then tries to sell it with an eruption of emotion.
I don't buy this for a second. I'd like to hear something falsifiable.
In case you don't know what that means, i'll give you an example of something falsifiable, and something not falsifiable.
1) All terrorists are of Arab decent.
2) If Ronald Regan were alive today, he would invade Iran!
The first one is what's called "falsifiable," because at any time it can be disproved by finding a terrorist who is not Arab.
The second is not falsifiable, because it is impossible to know what a dead person thinks.
Do you see the difference? When he says "These are extra-dimension beings," how do you go about proving or disproving that? Offering up something
that can be verified would be much more useful, like "Here is a classified physics equation, which proves extra-dimensional travel is possible." Or,
"listen to your radios, on this frequency. These beings periodically send messages using radio waves at this frequency." Just give us anything that
could be construed as proof!
This tape gives nothing, though.