posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 04:35 AM
Been watching this thread for 5 days now and find it amazing it gets no replies.
So I'll join in.
In todays world anything illegal can be labeled "terrorist support".
When the US Treasury sent out its list of organisations "connected to terror" several NGOs in Denmark came in trouble because they supported a
number of freedom/peace movements in the 3rd world. Some was brought to trial ... Greenpeace was among them. Others subdued and had to stop important
humanitarian work.
If you ask me, the number one product to purchase to support terror is OIL.
But who can avoid that filthy stuff?
As for the counterfeit goods, the trademark owners make a lot of money, so I can't really fell sorry for them. And hell, supporting Bin Laden or the
Bilderbergs, what's the differance?