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Bloop, Cthulhu and the strange, but true, story behind a movie

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posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by passenger

Originally posted by Subcomandante
Could it be something to do with shift in teutonic plates or the like? (I must mention I have no idea if that question even makes sense)

Makes perfect sense. Occam's Razor still applies. Most likely tectonics or underwater landslide, volcano, etc.
Based on the other things you said though, I did listen to some of the other recordings available (to compare) and I guess it is different. Still, it remains an anomaly and only that - no proof of a Kraken or Leviathan or anything really cool.

[edit on 18-9-2007 by passenger]

This in no way is a statement against you Passenger, just an editorial comment overall regarding ATS.

I'm amazed at how quickly everyone is dismissing "Bloop" as tectonic activity -- even though the NOAA has indicated they think the sound is biological in origin and immensely huge. I don't mean to dismiss that out-of-hand, as it is, our knowledge of the super-depths of the ocean is scant, even in the 21st Century.

But here at ATS we have posters claiming to see flying shields above their homes, or being abducted by alien sex fiends or that Dick Cheney is really a shape-shifting reptile (well, that one's a real possibility) -- and ATSers jump onto the thread to respond and elaborate on their own theories without batting an eye to the impossibility of it all.

And yet, here we have a real scientific organization with a genuine mystery that appears biological in nature, and most are just skeptical that it could be anything more than a rockslide.


posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by Opulisum
If it really was left at the bottom of our ocean by Gods and revealed itself, I think the religions around the world would have to start rewritting there books, dont you?

Well no actually. The Bible mentions a great sea creature known as leviathan.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by behindthescenes
I'm amazed at how quickly everyone is dismissing "Bloop" as tectonic activity -- even though the NOAA has indicated they think the sound is biological in origin and immensely huge.

A real biological threat of that magnitude may be simply more than the average reader wants to consider. One must belly up to the bar and consider the reality of a "leviathan" or some other creature, and one must realise just how little we know about this planet of ours (whilst tinkering with DNA :mad
In general humanity prefers to think of itself as the master of its own destiny.

I also note that there seem to be a larger number of mental blocks in place when encountering certain kinds of information. Some of it may be programmatic because of culture myths, religious systems, or deliberate programming via the news media or other sources.

We all have these basic interpretative mechanisms through which we screen information, but it seems to me that certain subjects like this one throw up a "screen" that walls it off from consideration altogether. That in itself fascinates me.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by Pellevoisin
I also note that there seem to be a larger number of mental blocks in place when encountering certain kinds of information. Some of it may be programmatic because of culture myths, religious systems, or deliberate programming via the news media or other sources.

We all have these basic interpretative mechanisms through which we screen information, but it seems to me that certain subjects like this one throw up a "screen" that walls it off from consideration altogether. That in itself fascinates me.

Good points Pell. Don't get me wrong though - I'd love the idea of a true Leviathan being caught. I wrote one of my first essays in elementary school on the Kraken and tried to prove it existed. I still jump at anything to do with sea-monsters.
But I just can't allow myself to get that exicted (yet) about this "bloop". Maybe you're right after all, maybe they have got me (and others) so adversion trained that I lost something important to the nature of discovering something new.Weird how it works. Try to find the thin line between witless dupe and boring cynic...

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 03:45 AM

Originally posted by behindthescenes
Hey MST3K -- are you a fan of the greatest tv show ever? Perhaps are you Dr. Forrester masquerading on ATS to forward your plans for world domination via bad movies? How 'bout TV's Frank? Or better yet, you're Mike sans the 'Bots, looking to lambast ATS with voice overs about how paranoid and delusional we all are?

Definitely a big fan, but don't worry I'm as much a believer about most of the things discussed on this forum as anyone else.

Thank you for the links, by the way. I'm a little disappointed that it won't be about Cthulhu, but one of the reasons I enjoyed the story in the first place was because of his sheer size. I've been in love with giant monsters ever since I saw my first Godzilla flick when I was five, so another film about a terrorizing behemoth is cool by me!

[edit on 20-9-2007 by MST3K]

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 01:48 AM
I remember back a while ago while I was doing one of my degree's I was sat in the cafeteria in the Uni bar and overheard some geeks talking about the noise and wandered over to talk to them since I was interested in cryptozoology.

It was a fair while after the event and they were reading some papers, some prints from newspapers, and one scientific journal, which I'll see if I can find - and which I'm paraphrasing here from memory - that basically disproved the sound was 'natural' in that it wasn't made by tectonics or any sort of mechanical event. As someone said, it sounded similar to a whale, but was heard from such depth, and over such a great distance that it would be a HUGE creature that made the sound. It was also apparently made by a lifeform as it was naturally too similar in pattern to a whale than other undersea noises.

As to what it was? I don't know. I'm freaked out by some underwater creatures and the thought of a massive scale whale urgghh, nasty, but not impossible. If it were some sort of mutation or evolution, perhaps it doesn't even need to surface for air, and we know so very little about the deep-DEEP waters we can only speculate that at those pressures the only thing down there is micro-sized critters. Giant squid could be plentiful at that depth were pollution and overfishing are myths.

I certainly don't discount that there are things that are unnaturally massive and certainly unnaturally repulsive down there, just look at some of the types of flat shark, chimera or angler fish and its cousins, that's just plain wrong IMO.

Whether the ancients, who perhaps had ways of traversing the oceans that we forgot, (f.e. Atlantis was said in some circles to be very in-tune with the sea, and perhaps the people experimented, [if you also think atlantis was part of the Enki/Nephilim they made unnatural animals] to make a McWhale burger so big it would feed their continent but it got out of control) knew about the actual levithan and we just now think its a myth, again don't know, but there is certainly more to some of the stories in that 2000 year old book than others, so I don't discount the idea they knew about some giant 12 headed aquatic lizard. For all we know it NEEDS to stay down there where its warm.

Its like they said that weird furry trunked whale was a myth and then found that furry lobster so it became a 'possibility'. Who are we to question what lies beneath...

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 02:43 PM
Hello, Im actually another movie geek and have done a bit of research on the movie.

AT Comicon, J.J. Abrams was quoted saying 'Its about time we had our own version of Godzilla" and later said this 'monster' was definately something no one has seen before. So its not Godzilla.

In the NY Times, there was a 'leak' by a crew member for the movie, stating that it was actually an alien. But I think the NY Times is not the most credible news source and anyone can say they are on the crew of the film.

If you look at the movie poster (where Liberty has no head" if you look at the water, there is a 'shadow' of the smoke trail in the sky, but its going the wrong direction. The smoke goes to the right, shadow on the water to the left.
Is this a tentacle?

Anyway, this is not really related to this thread so Ill stop. Sorry.

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by DingoJane
Anyway, this is not really related to this thread so Ill stop. Sorry.

Actually it is. The OP mentioned the movie connections, so you made some valid contributions.
Furthermore the whole issue begs speculation at this point. I don't see why an artists rendition of the cause of "the bloop' should be any more or less valid than a "scientist/scientician" at this point. The OP's whole point in bringing this up was (I believe): What the hell is this???

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by behindthescenes
This is one of those evolving life imitating art imitating life imitating art, et al.

What began this journey for me was chasing around master viral campaigner JJ Abrams clues throughout the internet as to what the hell 1/18/08 is going to be about. For those in the unknown, 1/18/08 (a.k.a. Cloverfield) is the new "monster" movie, heavily under wraps, and produced by JJ Abrams of "Lost" and "Alias" fame. As he has proven with Lost, Abrams is a master at the viral campaign, spreading clues and hints throughout the internet as to the secret behind his shows.

Now, with this movie, he created a feeding frenzy. Here's the trailer:

For movie geeks like myself, Abrams spread various "fake" websites throughout the net that offer clues to what the movie is going to be about.
The websites include:
Fake Japanese beverage Slusho's homepage
and perhaps the most intriguing one
You Can't Drink Just Six

The last one is just taking the tagline from the Slusho website and adding dotcom to it. Instead of its own website, it switches you to the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) website. Specifically, to a real page where they talk about "Bloop."

Now, here's where art is imitating life.

This page at NOAA is dedicated to the mysterious “Bloop” that was recorded by deep sea government listening devices in 1997. This bloop, while never officially explained, has led scientists around the world to speculate that the NOAA caught the sound of an hereto-unknown sea creature that would be immensely huge. So huge, the Kraken has been used to describe the possibilities.

CNN did an article about it in 2002, which you can read here.

But a subset of dark fiction fans saw something more to bloop than giant squids or undiscovered whales. There is a group who thinks (and I’m not kidding) bloop is a recording of Cthulhu – the H.P. Lovecraft creation of a dark forgotten god who emerges from the depths of the ocean to enslave a nation and send the world into darkness. Wiki does a good summary of this.

The site of the Bloop is remarkably close to the site of the fictional city of R'lyeh from H. P. Lovecraft's 1926 short story "The Call of Cthulhu", where an ancient undersea monster (Cthulhu) lies sleeping. Lovecraft said that R'lyeh is located at 47°9′S, 123°43′W in the southern Pacific Ocean, with the bloop also being targeted somewhere in that range [1].

So, in the world of art imitating life imitating art, it seems that Abrams has taken this decade-old mystery and may just be making a movie about it. Since Cthulhu turns people into zombie slaves by transforming them into monsters themselves, this may explain the leaked scenes of people vomiting black blood and allusions to zombies in NY.

That's interesting if you're into movies.

The bigger issue for ATS is -- was Bloop a mythical beast of some sort, perhaps even a creature that inspired Lovecraft to create Cthulhu? Or is it Cthulhu in reality?

There is a subset of people out therewho believe Lovecraft was inspired, and that the Cthulhu Mythos are in fact based on real tenants of reality.
And the parallels to Satan and Cthulhu highlight their belief.

Movie and mytho aside, Bloop remains a very real mystery. Anybody else hear about this or know of other theories surrounding the sound?

[edit on 8/31/2007 by behindthescenes]

i know im going to get alot og crap for this but i believe in cthulhu. i am not saying that this is him, matter of fact i doubt it very much. its most likely an undescovered creture of some sort.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 08:20 PM
Okay just to let you know

Look up credo mutwa


That word means reptilian or that's what ZUlu africans call it...

They use it in reference to the reptilians...

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