posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 09:00 PM
Here is another Valid reason why they wont come here..
Read the reactions of people on this thread about spiders...
Im rather shocked so many people are so fearful of earths creatures they just want to smash, or burn them all to death!!
Why would beings come here, when we can even live with spiders???
No I think the animals are our test, and we fail so badly at treating even the smallest bugs with respect..
Thoughts of people on other lifeforms
I sertinly hope other life forms out there dont think like these people..
We have all killed a bug.. But do we all regret it?
I do.. And I sertinly try not to kill any bug ever!! I will catch it and let it go outside.. Atleast I try my best, and understand in my mind.. Any
other life looks at how we treat other life on this planet..
If the animals speak to them.. They could say, some people are starting to get it.. But still most folks just want to murder or kill what it different
than them...
Thats my say, on a valid point what you think?
Thus I am glad we live in a HUGE universe.. Maybe thats what keeping us alive... Some lifeform could come across our earth, and send us the same
karma we gave to other life.. We kill and smash the bugs.. Thus the aliens, kill and smash us all with one blow.. Not even caring about our feelings
and families.. They only know that we are gross and different.. Thus we must die... I sure hope not.. but its possible.. Looking at how this world
looks, seem very possible to me..
[edit on 3-9-2007 by zysin5]