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The Dover Demon

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posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 09:46 AM

A strange sighting. the creature had a disproportionately large head, shaped like a water melon, with two big, protruding eyes that glowed orange, but it did not seem to have a mouth, nose or ears. Its body was small, its neck and limbs were long and thin, and its fingers and toes were slender and supple. The creature appeared to be hairless, but it's peach-colored skin was rough in texture. It stood about 1 meter (3-4 feet) high.

Just an illusion? Or a another likely cryptid?

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 10:24 AM
which dover do you mean

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 10:52 AM
Dover in England, on a heath or moore.

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 10:58 AM
when was this? I live about 3/4 hours drive away from dover and I've never heard of it.

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 11:01 AM
Long time ago, the 70s. 1977. The people who sighted it are probably dead.

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 11:10 AM
have you got a link to the story?

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 11:18 AM
I just did a search and its dover Massachusetts .

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 11:19 AM
Whats you opinion on it? True? Hoax?

[Edited on 25-11-1989 by Monk]

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by pantha
I just did a search and its dover Massachusetts .

I swear i had one from England.... I was prob wrong.

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Monk

A strange sighting. the creature had a disproportionately large head, shaped like a water melon, with two big, protruding eyes that glowed orange, but it did not seem to have a mouth, nose or ears. Its body was small, its neck and limbs were long and thin, and its fingers and toes were slender and supple. The creature appeared to be hairless, but it's peach-colored skin was rough in texture. It stood about 1 meter (3-4 feet) high.

Just an illusion? Or a another likely cryptid?

your description sounds like the brazillian sighting here:


posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 01:21 PM
I have been meaning to do a post on this for a long time but just like El Chupacabra someone beats me to it. I will post what information I have on the Dover cases and similar sightings.

The most sketches I have seen in one place.

An over view of one of the sightings of the Dover deamon.

It is possible that the Dover demon and the loveland frog are in fact related. The sightings are extremely similar in both instances.
Dover Demon : "is described as a peculiar entity with glowing orange eyes, standing around 1 metre or (3-4 feet) high, with rough, peach coloured, hairless, skin."

Loveland Frog: "Williams described the creature as 3 or 4 feet tall, weighing around 50 to 75 pounds. Its body looked like leathery textured skin, and had a face resembling a frog or lizard."

This creature is also part of the mythology of the Cree Indians of eastern Canada.
"Mannegishi : are creatures that belong to the mythology of the Cree Indians of eastern Canada. They are described as pygmy, human-like entities, that resemble 'little men', with long thin legs and arms. They are said to have twelve fingers (six on each hand). Their round hairless, heads, with large eyes and no nose, are apparently quite big in comparison to their small bodies."

Here is The most comprehensive site I have seen on the Loveland frogs.

In all of these cases the creatures are described as three to four feet in height, hairless skin and glowing red or orange eyes. Leading me to believe that they are in fact related, if not the same creature. All of these cases also share a common bond with my favorite bit of cryptozoology El Chupacabra who is normally described as three to five feet in height with glowing red eyes and little to no body hair. The only distinct difference is the spines that many have reported seeing on El Chupacabra. The fact that there are three separate locations for these sightings and that one of them is much older leads me to the opinion that this is not simply an elaborate hoax but that there is most likely something out there that we have yet to discover.


posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 04:21 PM
"There is an old Shawnee Indian tail about the Shawnahooc or �River Demon� from the little Miami River area. The story is about a hunting party that spots a large lizard-like creature on a river bank. The sight of such a creature intrigued the Indians so they tried to shoot it with an arrow, but when they approached the creature it stood upright, like a man, looked at them, then dove into the river."

The Shawnee Indian's Lived in what is currently Loveland Ohio.

The location of the Loveland sightings occurred on Riverside Road or Riverside Ave. (it is called both). Below is a map quest image as well as a GlobeXplorer image of this road. You can easily see just how close it is to the Little Miami River. The place where the Shawnee Indian's spotted a creature matching the description of the Loveland Frog.

I apologies if this seems off topic I simply thought since the two seem to be so closely related it would be better to discuss this here instead of a new post.

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 09:27 PM
sounds like this is true if there are numerous sitings of them.
Maybe aliens took frogs and did experiments with them and sent them back to earth?

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 09:53 PM
Wait, the Dover sightings were in the 70s? They were probably stoned...

posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by Charlatan
sounds like this is true if there are numerous sitings of them.
Maybe aliens took frogs and did experiments with them and sent them back to earth?

I hope your not serious!

If it was in the 70s, there probably is a chance they were stoned. But matching descriptions change your mind. Could the Dover Demon be a sighted Alien? Look at the description of 'The Greys'. Also quite similar.


posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 12:18 PM
Why must everyone jump straight to the extraterrestrial answer? If these creatures have been here as long as these Indian stories tell then I would think it would be more likely that they are simply part of the evolutionary track. Some believe that evolution is a slow and steady process then there are others who think that at certain times there are very quick evolutionary jumps that produce odd creatures while on their way to a final product. If the second theory is in fact true then these creatures may be just that. I am not compleat discounting the fact that these creatures may be extraterrestrial in nature however I simply think that people should look for solutions a little closer to home before jumping to that conclusion.

posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 08:55 PM
Of course I'm serious monk!
Those crazy green martians can do everything


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