I think my main thought is whay bother about it either way?
If you are in a position to have an emergency action plan ready what do you do stand by all the time? I mean suppose you have a nice secure bunker
with loads of food and water (and for our American survivalist friends, guns and ammo) do you plan your entire life based on the principle that you
can get to your secure compound in a fixed time? If so, is that really a life? Do you only take employment because its "X" minutes away. Do you not
have any real social interaction, sport, concerts even weddings because they are too far away from the security of your secure prison?
Whether, you have bunker or not the affect of an invasion could be felt all over. At its worse social cohesion becomes a thing of the past and all our
systems start to collapse and we end up in the "stone age" or something. Long term that will affect most survivors in their secure homes. A few may
have a reasonable existence living off the land, wary that technology may lead the bad guys to you.
Equally, you could leg it out to your remote den and miss all the good stuff that ET brings here, as they turn us into a peaceful, loving species
(yeah right)...maybe routing out those of a violent disposition in possession of guns
So as I see it, whatever happens, you are just putting of the inevitable...good or bad...why worry about it? If they exist and their intent is
aggressive I think that cities that suffered badly before may have a better survival rate..they know what punishment a city can take and still
function...kind of. Whether its because some skyscrapers fell down or because the Nazis blitzed your city, you survive, you get stronger...well
Whatever their intent it will cause panic and people will be injured. Maybe all the invasion disinfo is all part of a plot to soften the blow...maybe
some of it is just delusionary experiences from drug fueled recreation time.
I see no point for a heads up..there will be panic enough if it really happens. As I see it I live a good bit of distance from major cities and
military installations. Will ET come here first and worry the cows and sheep or will they start on military installations and cities? All I need to do
is listen out to phones, TV and radio and if they all fail at the same time, I would know something was up.
But really what possible good, could a heads up be? A few hours to get one more tin of soup, some bottled water or make out with your sister-in-law?
Sometimes waiting for a disaster is worse than the disaster. Personally, I get more stressed waiting for things to happen than when they eventually
I suppose though, if ET exists and does invade it would depend not just on intent but also on scale. A couple of craft, totally impervious to our
defences could make life difficult and we could be waiting to see who is next? I think an invasion such as to subjugate or eradicate humanity is
unlikely from just invasive craft...more probably would be some global means of destruction, biological, chemical radiological who knows?
Speed of execution of plan as well, may be a factor. Many died when the atom bombs hit those Japanese cities but would they have been better off for a
warning? A weeks notice would have got most people out I would have thought, a few hours warning would either be ignored or would cause deaths as
people struggled to get out. You may have saved more or you may have congregated the citizens under the bombs. Who knows?
There again ET might be a smiling happy bunny and all is right with the universe. We bring you peace the new religion. One thing for sure even if they
came in peace there will be enough paranoid dudes out there to mess things up. Hell there may even be a new term of social exclusion as people start
to say "The neighbourhoods gone down since they moved in...come over here taking our jobs...showing us how to do things"
I am sometimes puzzled by all the excitement caused by a possible ET encounter. We can't get along with the millions of lifeforms here on Earth..what
the hell makes people think we will treat ET any better? Even between our own species, we have hate and suspicion because of colour or religious
Maybe we should stop looking to the stars for intelligent life and start a search here on Earth....