posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 09:18 PM
Originally posted by warrior.elite52
how do u post a google maps page? i can show it to you then and no it isnt the area 51 bombing targets, though they look like them, they are to close
together to be for that purpose.
What I'd do is to hit Prt Scr (usually to the right of you f12 key) when you got the required image on screen, that has then taken the entire screen
and copyed it into your clipboard.
Then you would want to crop that image ~ simple way in windows - open paintbrush hit ctrl + v or go edit > paste - use the select tool and square off
the section of image you want - ctrl + c or edit > copy - close that image and open a new one (ctrl + n of file > new) - paste in new window and that
should be what your trying to post (you may have to resize to get rid of all the white)
Save that file.
Upload to (you need to sign for a free account)
copy the image code (IMG code) and paste directly in to post et voilà!
(or you could just put to lat / long coordinates in the post and let others go look for them selves)
hope that helps