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A Canadian officer speaks out

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posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 12:58 AM
I found this link and it was worthy for the file. A Canadian officer speaks up about deep underground Canadian and American bases. Can. -U.S. DUMBS

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 01:15 AM
this angers me what the government is doing i'm going to go out and by guns and if they try to take them i'll take as many of them down with me as i can

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by coryblood
this angers me what the government is doing i'm going to go out and by guns and if they try to take them i'll take as many of them down with me as i can
You nailed one of the NWO's agendas of disarming. I am extremely pro rifle. Guns don't kill people...criminals with guns kill people. What isn't our governments understanding. gun amnesty disarms innocent people!

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 01:38 AM
8 million..dang! WEll im going to keep smoking seeing as that wouldnt make me taste very good. I would stick to cow meat if i were them. Yeah its pathetic how creatures who have life take it from others, instead of sharing it in the natural harmony they see around them. like the rabid animal they have made themselves in self image, even though plants could do the same thing to nurish their bodies, but theyre advanced aliens who cannibalize humans.. sound satanic and depravingly sad that advanced creatures do this, unless they stole the technology, and now they are here..?

The bible speaks of a pit where people would be thrown into in the end days, I believe God (good-true one) isnt far off, and these evil creatures know it, so they, being spiritualy aligned with evil and consumption pose a greater force on good creatures, by going after the weak ones..humanity.

I say grab your laser guns, sonic weapons, and strobes and lets start kicking alien tail! Strobes to blind them and disorient them.
Dont forget the shapeshifters either!

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by mastermind77
It seems a little out there, doesn't it? As I get older, less surprises me. I am only 41, but the culmination of this material has led me down a different thought path now. I do care about the future. I found this map on google image search. World DUMB map

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by mastermind77
I hear that from so many people these days. There are quite a few of us Canadians arming ourselves now. Not too many things can stand up to a 30/30 hollow point.

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 10:52 AM
So how did "millions" of people get abducted and eaten by "underground aliens" without anyone noticing that they're gone?

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 02:03 AM
reply to post by JustMe74
I would have to say this has occured over many, many years, and 8 million is the cumulative number. If you have any doubts you are entitled. Controversy always makes for a good debate (boring world if we all agreed right?) If you read between the lines he is also saying to go out and do your own homework. He egging you on to research by saying "what if?" That's the jist I got from reading it, and have been researching for years already.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by aguila
I would have to say this has occured over many, many years, and 8 million is the cumulative number.

Fair enough; but if these people who were "eaten" exist, it should be possible to name some of them. It's pretty rare for someone to completely disappear without a trace, and 8 million, even over a period of years, would still be noticeable, IMO.

Originally posted by aguila
That's the jist I got from reading it, and have been researching for years already.

Can you share some of your research? I find the topic interesting, and I'm sure many other people on this forum would like to see.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by JustMe74
There are high ranking, and credible people who have come forward to talk about this. Unfortunately, many of them are not with us anymore. The Greneda Treaty (1954) was forged between aliens and humans. They could take a few humans and cows to experiment and/or eat, and we would get their technology. Phil Schneider talks about the outter skins on the Pheonix class submarines being of extraterrestrial origin. The aliens started to get greedy, taking more than their quota. The CIA keeps a list of abducted people and those on deck. Many of these people are homeless transients, children living on the street. Some are people who accidentally wandered into a restricted area where they should have not been in the first place. Al Beilek and Bob Lazaar are two more people that touch on this subject. The rest have testified under false names to protect themselves. The research itself comes from searching for inconsistencies in stories. If you had a pile of documents in your possession and the same story was told differently by different people, then it's a crock. There is a lot of consistency in these accounts. That is how I do it. It is still a conspiracy theory, but it is done with method.

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