Ok please hear me out.
Apparently some people are still under the impression that I think all teenagers are brain dead morons. I never said or even implied anything of the
sort, but comments just keep popping up from people who apparently have drawn false conclusions.
What I said in regards to the article is that no 16 year old kid is going to crack an 80+ million dollar software program in half an hour. That's
what I said. Because that is my opinion, which I am entitled to express. I also elaborated and said that I don't think a 20, 40 or 60 year old
person could do that either! Heck maybe I'm wrong but it's still my opinion.
Here are things I did
NOT say that everyone seems to THINK that I said:
- Teenagers are idiots.
- 16 year olds are idiots.
- No teenager is smart enough to hack or crack.
- No teenager is intelligent enough to break through a porn filter.
- Teenagers are just stupid.
I did
NOT say any of those things or even imply any of those things. Get it?
Now try this on for my size, it'll blow you away I promise: I freely admit that in my view, today's teenagers seem to be about a hundred times more
intelligent and capable than I ever was myself when I was in my teens.
In fact, even at my current age of creeping past the mid-thirties mark, there are a lot of younger people who can make me feel pretty dimwitted. But
that's fine with me, it doesn't bother me. Besides, how smart can I expect to be with only a GED education? Of course most people are smarter than
me and I don't take an issue with it, I never have.
SOME people around here, I do not have a self-serving ego that requires me to feel mentally superior to others, that's why you've
never seen ME try to shove it down anyone's throat how wonderful and capable I am. I don't like egomaniacs, I tend to find them revolting and that
is why I responded with sarcasm toward certain persons in this thread.
So... for anyone else out there who thinks they need to enlighten me about how smart teenagers are, please get a clue and realize that
I never
tried to say otherwise!
So in the future, instead of jumping to wild conclusions about people, try getting to know them a little bit first. You just might find that your
character judging skills are pretty darn far off the mark.