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Obscure Company Is Behind 9/11 Demolition Work

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posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 05:11 PM
After reading this,I began to think back to how many discussions were had about 9/11.And one of them being,well if the WTC was a product of a controlled demolition,who could have done it and stayed silent?
Well after reading this,one has to wonder about this company.
And so you understand,im not stating this company did 9/11,just throwing this idea out there.
Why would anyone use some obscure compnay that "supposedly" hasnt done work in years?Instead of using a well know,well respected company to do it?

(NewYorkTimes)-Obscure Company Is Behind 9/11 Demolition Work The John Galt Corporation of the Bronx, hired last year for the dangerous and complex job of demolishing the former Deutsche Bank building at 130 Liberty Street, where two firefighters died last Saturday, has apparently never done any work like it. Indeed, Galt does not seem to have done much of anything since it was incorporated in 1983.

Public and private records give no indication of how many employees it has, what its volume of business is or who its clients are. There are almost no accounts of any projects it has undertaken on any scale, apart from 130 Liberty Street. Court records are largely silent. Some leading construction executives in the city say they have never even heard of it.

Full story here

[edit on 24-8-2007 by Black_Fox]

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 07:45 PM
Interesting, anybody up for some PI work

posted on Aug, 25 2007 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by Blue_Jay33
Interesting, anybody up for some PI work

Apparently not.
Which is rather disapointing.
Does anyone here have any information on this company?
I really think this is worth looking into.


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