Is anyone else having a problem with the U2U button or area? I had a U2U and i read it and deleted. I have no other new items but my U2U button still
shows red.
I haven't had any U2U's in recent days, so I can't really testify to whether I'm having any problems. It's possible that there might be some code
acting wonky right now. Could even be the web just not updating properly. I'd say give it a few hours, and it should be okay.
12m8keall2c Done and sorted. Thanks a TON. It wasn't a huge issue but after a few thread reads i would go "AH, a U2U..." and then get all
disappointed that no one loves me enough to send me one Jokes.
Ah, thank God for this thread and Google search. I'm bumping this up because it has helped me and may help another who was in the same situation as
myself and shearder... "U2U! Not.... damn.."