posted on Aug, 23 2007 @ 10:26 AM
Hello Mr. Lear! (And hello all else who pop in to see my pics!)
I want to say thank you for your hard work and research, very interesting stuff. Just a quick question... is it possible I saw an explosion on the
moon last spring (May 14th 2006)? I was trying to take photos of the moon through my little telescope and suddenly there was a flash and this black
ring that formed at the top... traveled half way down the moon, seperated in the center and receded till all that was left were two black dots then
disapeared, it happened so fast. Here are the 3 photos I took...
I am gonna try and figure out how to add them here I hope it works!
Gonna try a direct link now because the photos are huge.
Moon Pic 1
Moon Pic 2
Moon Pic 3
Here is another photo from the same night, nothing odd about this one I dont think but pretty decent for a cheap little childrens telescope eh?!
Moon Pic 4
Imagine what the big telescopes can do! Wow!
Here is the file data from the first shot:
File size: 350614 bytes
File date: 2006:05:14 21:50:30
Camera make: SONY
Camera model: CYBERSHOT
Date/Time: 2002:04:13 05:53:10
Resolution: 1600 x 1200
Flash used: No
Focal length: 17.8mm
Exposure time: 0.033 s (1/30)
Aperture: f/4.5
ISO equiv.: 400
Exposure bias: 0.70
Whitebalance: Auto
Metering Mode: matrix
Exposure: program (auto)
I hope your well and having a wonderful day, thank you again. ~ J ~