posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 12:51 AM
Every Now and then I will have dreams where it feels like a continuation of other dreams I've had. Like i will have flashbacks in my dream of
previous dreams, but i have no recollection of those previous dreams (besides the flashbacks).
Reoccurring dreams are when the same thing happens in multiple dreams are they not? I don't think it's those cause it feels like it's just a sequel
to another dream... or am I confused about that?
I've heard you only remember dreams when you wake up in a certain state(?). Could I have really dreamed that and not remember, or are my dreams just
messing with me?
Example: Once, I was dreaming about storming a castle, and it seemed like I was flashing back to another dream where I was younger and I built that
same castle with an old friend.
I get this somewhat often, does this happen to you guys/gals? what are your opinions?