I have the Drudge Report set to my home page and this was linked at the very top..
Hillary and "New War"
As a lot of conspiracy theorists know, it's hard sometime to break through and open minds to the possibility of things to come. It's hard to wake
someone up when they've been asleep for so long and dulled by the cheap drugs of modern politics, media and religion.
This weekend I took a long road trip with my wife and she failed to bring any reading material so I had her read a paper aloud that traced the Bush
family line back to Germany in the 1800's while linking the Bush's to Nazi's and the slow decimation of Tesla's genius through direct involvement
that was very well documented with references she is now verifying. By the end of the trip and reading the thorough paper she finally read that Tesla
had created the Wardencliff tower and grasped what it really meant. I pointed out with tears in my eyes that everywhere we looked the wires that
connected us all to the power companies and ultimately to the oil companies was the lie of ultimate slavery. It is the lie that binds us to war. It is
the lie that is connected to religion and after hours of trying to answer her machine gun questions we were left spinning and grasping for air and
looking for comfort in a future that just isn't there. It's taken years for me to slowly and without repercussions rouse her. She's a delicate
person with strong family ties and ultimate faith in good.
This video of Hillary announcing we need to embrace war nailed home everything I finally had my wife open her eyes to. I sincerely believe that if in
08 we do not as a country elect someone who will steer America away from this view then America as the world wants to know/knew it will be lost
Which leads me to Ron Paul. He is the first man I have seen since JFK that has the balls to take a stand for freedom. I've read his history of policy
choices and compared them to the other candidates. While I can't say I agree with EVERYTHING he says, 99% of what he says and has done represents
what the world needs. That is truth, justice, smaller government, better education, strength in self and above all LESS IF NO WAR.
This leads me to the firm belief that if by some crazy circumstance America actually wakes up enough and realizes it's values have been undermined
and it weaknesses exploited by power hungry elitists and chooses to wake up from this drug induced sloth-like state and actually elected a man willing
to guide us through professed pain towards healing, he would be assassinated before 6 months end. Maybe even before he was indoctrinated.
Of course this is a rant, but hopefully it's one that will help others realize that you have to wake everyone up. You have to do something on a local
level. You have to talk to your loved ones, friends and anyone who looks to be asleep and get them to learn about the past 100 years and how it's
led us to the brink.
The 08 election is our last possible chance. 4 more years of a white house guided by someone who believes continuing war for any reason, supporting
preemptive war or anything of that nature will without a doubt seal ours and the world's fate. Am I being arrogant in this comment? I don't think
Sorry for the rant. War and talk of war is just too commonplace and I had to vent.