posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 08:26 AM
when I was growing up, things were different you could get away with more than you can now, people have gotten sue happy and the least little
altercation can now result in a costly lawsuit that can leave you broke and suffering.
People just dont want to get involved these days because it could end up costing you dearly, I remember once when I was younger, I use to go out to
the clubs alot , and one night I came across a guy beatng the crap out of a girl I assumed she was his girlfriend I'm really not sure, I had been
drinking as was my custom in those days, an being under the infulence of alcohol I commenced to dish out to this guy some of the same punishment he
had been giving the girl, after leaving the guy motionless on the ground I began to walk toward the door of the club with my friends all laughing and
joking about the incident, when out of the still night air a gunshot rang out, I had never had a gun fired at me before, and although the guy missed
after several shots, he fled in his vehicle and was apprehended a short time later.
I guess the thing I would say concerning this subject is this, when you step over the line and involve yourself in violence happening in your
presence, realize that you could escalate the situation into something more serious than it started out to be.
people these days seem more willing to resort to gunplay than in times past, the event I just related happend more than twenty years ago and was
unheard of where I lived at the time, now people get shot and killd there all of the time.
would I do it again?? probably, but I no longer drink, so I dont go in the places where such things happen so readily, but right is right, I could not
stand by while a person gets the stuffing beat out of them in frount of my very eyes.