Originally posted by adjay
He may well be incorrect, this field is almost impossible to find substantial proof of what one person says, compared to another. He is also
human......[ ]... all I'm sure you may learn something, at least!
Thanks for your very clear reply. I wish my english was good enough to tell my thoughts I have in Dutch into proper english. But ok...
What the truth is, what can be proofed etc... It is very difficult stuff indeed. To be exactly accurate in what is happening, you have to go into
great detail, and then again, its would be very difficult to explain. Things will be very unclear and not logical anymore. Most people who encountered
OOBE have some trouble tot understand whats happening
But ok...
I agree in everyhting you tell about his experiences. You can be at two places at the same time. The soul can split (sort of) into more parts. Thats a
"fact" (for me it is).
The basics of it, is that your physical body is never left empty while it is alive, and to think otherwise is completely illogical.
I agree. However, an entity taking your body (even when you are in it completely) is possible. Those have been recorded.
Lets go a little more in detail:
When going out of your body the circumstances for problems are much greater. Luckily there is always a part connected to your body (the cord to your
body for instance). Its not your conscious soul thats left behind. Its just "a part" of it . (When going further away of your body, the less you be
aware of your body, and it takes a longer time to go back)
At the same time your body will be guarded. (Here I doubt Robert Bruce is aware of it, I am not sure though).
When someone is experimenting with this and he/she is going to far away, just doing it at his own, problems may occur. it will rearly happen, but this
is really possible. Let me explain 2 problems:
1. You can be lost! Your soul cant get back, and you conscious soul will be hanging between life and dead... (I dont make this up, I have been warned
by my guids for it, not just once. I understand when not having the abbility to talk with your guids you wouldn't know. Therefore, it wont happen
that easilily. Because guids will get track of you in far the most cases. And thats why you cant just go anywhere, they will block you when there will
be a great risk. Most people will never be able to do it)
2. There is no attention for a certain time to your body when leaving your body. (you can even flip out when you dont want to). When there is an
entity around at that time, not likely though, it is possible to have problems. This wont occur in far the most cases. But it is possible. Cant help
There are no recorded incidents. When it happends, like the first example, how you want to tell?! (But then again, how to proof this?
Another thing:
when really going somewhere this is more or less happening:
When going to a place:
\O/ ------------------------------------------------> go far away
body (part of soul)-------------------------------> conscious soul
(here you are really away)
When going back: