posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 09:51 PM
A thermal barrier between a warm body and an infrared camera will preclude the IR camera from detecting the warm body. It can only detect heat.
Long ago, many tribes used the wicker shield. Wicker has some wonderful characteristics.
For daylight visual detection, one can apply a sticky substance on the outside surface, put it face down in the dirt, and you now blend in with the
ground as well as possible, as the ground itself is your outer camouflage.
Today, we find wicker in cheap door mats, sometimes made of small diameter bamboo, but they are all effective at blocking a warm body if the hatching
is crossed and doubled.
A bit of stand off distance by applying some sort of handle, and you have a thermal blocker. You determine the size and shape.
It's cheap, it's easy, it's light, and even in the daytime, will provide a very effective cover.
You can roll it up and take it anywhere, and deployment only takes seconds.
[edit on 8-7-2009 by dooper]