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200 million i think

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posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 11:47 PM
Can onyone tell me about all of the gold,silver,and/or other metals that came up missing from the wtc vault located in the basement?

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by resistance911

I dont know but if I wouldve been there, then there wouldve 250 million gone

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 11:45 AM
From what I remember the figure was much larger than that. The commodities I was reviewing for my Company were apparently housed in WTC 4, the basement. I was working on Wall Street that day. I was a proprietary trader at the time. I do not have a link to the information, but this was stored on my computer when I was reviewing the monetary costs of the destruction of the towers for my company back then. I am not even sure if these figures are correct, because so many of the involved parties either said they were not sure of the exact amounts or they refused to help in my review. I believe the only 2 figures I was able to attain that were supplied with some certainty were the first 2. The bank of Nova Scotia figures were reportedly set to be transferred at some time in the not so distant future. Scheduling took place prior to 9-11.

Comex metals trading - 3,800 gold bars weighing 12 tonnes and worth more than $100 million
Comex clients - 800,000 ounces of gold with a value of about $220 million
Comex clients - 102 million ounces of silver, worth $430 million
Bank of Nova Scotia - $200 million of gold


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