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Did the Space Shuttle dock at the Secret Space Station tonight?

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posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by undo

Haha! Yeah...I did not realize that John Lenard was santamonicajohn. I have recently seen his photo stills and movie clips on youtube. Some of Lenards crafts look extremely similar to the California Drones, one of which was photographed about 20 miles from my home. Very interesting.

That's it?

It does appear that the Lenard "Instellar" related images are the weak link in the chain, and they are being used as a diversion from addressing the rest of the evidence. For the benefit of the readers, could you perhaps look at the rest of the material as well?

I'm interested in seeing what the scientific minds of this forum, think of the documentation. So far though, all I keep hearing about are the Lenard images. That's very disappointing.

I never said I was done viewing this material and I am not here to report to you.

Good day, Sir.

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
I am estimating that there are 3 and possibly 5 secret space stations the size or larger than ISS.

They are probably all in the same orbital plane as ISS so that moving between them is a simple matter of undocking, a small burst of thrust, wait for the next secret space station in the orbital plane to 'catch up' add a little thrust to match the secret space station and dock.

You could do that all day long with a minimum amount of fuel. And of course we are not talking about Shuttle sized OMS, we are talking small thrusters because we are talking about small changes in orbital speed.

This might be a good way to deliver food and supplies once it is delivered to the ISS. Maybe there is a little 'ShuttleTug': one small engine, one astronaut and a cargo compartment.

These secret space stations shouldn't be to hard to see once you know where to look. If, in fact, they were all in the same orbital plane as I suspect, you just wait for the ISS to come across the sky in all its brilliance and glory, then get out your binoculars and NVG's and watch the exact same orbital path that the ISS made across the sky for about 90 minutes.

You should see anywhere from 3 to 5 dimly lit space stations cross in the same path each about 15 to 30 minutes apart. Since they are probably equally spaced if we find one, then by using the timing it passed by after the ISS we can find the others.

Now, if all three to five secret space stations are all in different orbits then there is a gigantic problem of supply. They would then have to send up one Progress or other space vehicle every week or month to each separate station as it would be difficult but not impossible to fly from one secret space station in one orbit to another secret space station in a completely different orbit which would require a considerable amount of fuel.

No wonder the United States Strategic Command is so big. I'm getting a headache just thinking about the possibliities.

Have you ever used this strategy to see the secret space stations? I'm going to give it a few tries.

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 08:35 PM

I never said I was done viewing this material and I am not here to report to you.

I'm asking as an ATS member, who wants to Deny Ignorance, that you provide some review of the material provided, for the benefit of all concerned. I'm not trying to be bossy. (I can't help myself, anyway. I'm a mom, three times, and none of them have ever called me "Sir."
But occassionally, they do get side-tracked into irrelevancies. It's a communication skill and teaching aide, but in this case, I'm asking you to enlighten the rest of us with your opinion of the material. )

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 08:42 PM

is it possible that the stations are chained between here and Mars? Like a convoy through the desert with the occassional oasis along the way, gas stations on a stretch of desert highway?

[edit on 31-8-2007 by undo]

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by undo

I never said I was done viewing this material and I am not here to report to you.

I'm asking as an ATS member, who wants to Deny Ignorance, that you provide some review of the material provided, for the benefit of all concerned. I'm not trying to be bossy. (I can't help myself, anyway. I'm a mom, three times, and none of them have ever called me "Sir."
But occassionally, they do get side-tracked into irrelevancies. It's a communication skill and teaching aide, but in this case, I'm asking you to enlighten the rest of us with your opinion of the material. )

And I am going to provide a review of this material that is provided to ALL of us because I am the only one that has eyes and can see it? This material just being here is a benefit for us all and everyone should read it for themselves, I am not some kind of filter here to interpret concepts for others when they can do it. If you really wanted my opinion on this material, you would understand that people have lifes and 5 minutes of looking at this stuff isn't enough time to come up with a decent opinion. Now, I am done arguing with you, I don't want to fill this thread up with pointless arguing.

I said good day.

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 08:53 PM
Originally posted by undo


is it possible that the stations are chained between here and Mars? Like a convoy through the desert with the occassional oasis along the way, gas stations on a stretch of desert highway?

Zorgon has all the information on the transports to Mars. Lets wait until he gets back, he knows more about it than I do.

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 09:00 PM

And I am going to provide a review of this material that is provided to ALL of us because I am the only one that has eyes and can see it?

It's a superior alternative to critiquing John's finanical strata and is the REAL subject matter of the thread, so yeah.... if you wouldn't mind?

[edit on 31-8-2007 by undo]

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by Chorlton
Zorgon, Twould seem that some of the stuff on your website referring to some other 'secret space station' and accreditted to one 'Santamonica john'

If you were to actually read what I said in the first paragraph about those images it would be clear.... The collection is presented as a place for people to find all that are available of John Lenard's images. And I posted them by request.

As they are not used in my post save the one that IS in earth orbit showing the pyramid shape, they have little to do with the presentation...

Also included is Implosion's thread dealing with the subject and the subsequent mystery surrounding John. I would suggest you read that thread before making comment.. If you notice he earned MANY stars for that work

Alleged spacecraft/objects on moon

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by sherpa
I wasn't sure about the US side of things but I have to admit there did seem to be a lot of cargo going up in the Russian M vehicles, especially propellant I couldn't see how the ISS could be using that much fuel.

LOL thanks Sherpa, but not too shabby on the Russian Progress launches.
Jack Arneson was researching those while I was working the American side...

So seems I will have time tomorrow to put that together...
I am glad to see someone else at least take the time to follow the clues...

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by sherpa
Something about Apollo 15 showing a lot of interest in Tsiolkovsky now when was Apollo 15 1971 ?, so why would they be interested if we were already there ?

Deeper and Deeper into the Rabbit Hole...

There is a LOT of interesting stuff about Tsiolkovski, both the man and the crater. As it deals with Lunar Mining and Moon Images we will present that in the John Lear Moon thread....

BUT there is one thing that is VERY relevant to THIS thread...

Konstantin invented the liquid fuel rocket BEFORE Goddard and Oberth, a fact he now has official credit for...

But before that he designed another ship. I find it fascinating that he designed THIS space station BEFORE the rocket was invented...

Talk about those Russians being ahead of us...

Look familiar? The year was 1886

So he drew the Solar Collector and Solar Cells, a revolving Torus for gravity, all before 1886...

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 10:23 PM
Not just the solar collector but the satellite dish.
And, refresh my memory, who claimed credit for this
discovery in the west?

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 10:43 PM
Great work Zorgon on a good thread. I pretty much "buy" the possibility that there are "dark" space projects - I don't "see" how there can not be at least some. To not do so would be potentially imprudent. Hardware and covert launches would not seem to be a problem if that was the desire.

It was interesting to read the concept space platform stuff on the NASA Technical Reports Server CR-181795 PDF from way back. Completely doable, complicated but doable. $19,000,000 Russian space toilets? Um, yeah. OK. Sign here. Thanks for shopping Roskavia. Hey Yuri, we have enough to build extra Proton this month.

The orbital photos are interesting too. Not conclusive, but worth additional follow up as John Lear has suggested. A great ATS community project perhaps? I have seen stuff in the same general orbit as ISS both when shuttle was docked and undocked. Do I have photos? No. Just points of light moving across the heavens to the naked eye.

I like John Lear's notion of several platforms in the same general orbit - it could explain the enormous amount of "junk" that seems to fly by ISS/STS on a frequent basis and perhaps allow for "unpublicized" visits by STS on the way "uphill" and "downhill". I am not convinced that Shuttle orbiters are used in this manner at this point. Possible? Technically? Yes.

Russian orbital heavy lift? No problem. Sea-Launch? Yup. And what about that there real big thing "intelligence" converted oil-rig-platform deal America has floatin' round the Pacific? Maybe there are more? Put several Sea'Launches on that and still have room for helicopters - where is it?

You know what? I suspect there may even be hardware and humans in polar orbit. It would be strategically advantageous to have such global overflight capabilty. Australia could be handy for either type of orbital launch - big place, Australia. Gear. The Russkies did have a "dark" Mir - there are photos out on the Net somewhere.

The "Aquila" craft looks a bit like the "whatever" in my ATS signature... the size is even close enough to consider. Perhaps something "next-gen" and long "dark"? Military dark. Near AG tech dark, but not flying saucer/particulization "dark". Hmmm. Beyond Aquila?

I also like the "Buzz" aka "Dr. Rendezvous" Aldrin as front man for covert-lift angle too. Plans within plans within plans. Quite a history that Aldrin fellow, perhaps he has a deeper history - unwritten. There would need to be a bunch of launches pretty regularly unless there is AG heavy-lift to orbit capabilities. Anybody got Admiral Bobbie Inman's number? LOL.

I will follow this thread and see where it leads.



[edit on 31-8-2007 by V Kaminski]

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 11:24 PM
This is a truly fascinating thread and I wanted to acknowledge the work presented here.
This is way above my head but I'm a fast learner.Much of this is out of my range of education but I have a keen eye,a telescope, and cameras.I'm hoping I'll be able to contribute.
Zorgon:I like your avatar.It's obviously 14th century but I'm not familiar with the heraldry.Sorry for the OT, it's the medieval geek in me.

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 11:30 PM
Helium Mining on the Moon: Site Selection and Evaluation

The College of Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Technical Report WCSAR-TR-AR3-8810-6

October 1988

Seems that Luna 16 and Luna 24 sampled the volume of HE3

Hey Undo... I have a proposition for you Call me

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by citizen truth

Zorgon:I like your avatar.It's obviously 14th century but I'm not familiar with the heraldry.Sorry for the OT, it's the medieval geek in me.

The Heraldry on that shield is a Knight Chess piece I have not put mine on there yet

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 11:39 PM
Thrilling thread!!

The ramifications are absolutely mind-boggling.

(I knew those toilets cost too much!!)

Thanks ever so much for all the hard work!

I'm awestruck!!

[edit on 1-9-2007 by goosdawg]

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 11:45 PM
HEY Undo...

I KNOW you will find THIS connection interesting

There are so many Delta launches all around the country... I don't think anyone pays attention, nor cares what they are transporting...

The US Air Force 45th Space Wing

Based at Cape Canaveral and
Patrick Air Force Base, the US Air
Force 45th Space Wing has the
mission of supporting manned
and unmanned space launches and
conducts all Eastern Range
launch operations, including
Delta, Atlas, and Titan space
launch vehicles.The Wing also
provides launch support for the
Space Shuttle and Naval Ordinance
Test Unit, including telemetry,
radar, and weather.Over 4,000
employees, from space scientists
and meteorologists to satellite
payload specialists, are supported
by the Wing’s IT infrastructure.

Sorry the Devil made me do it

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by johnlear

I used Five Finger Discount to get the stop leak to make it down to Vegas.

The One BEAUTIFUL Thing ABOUT BEING "Elderly" or a "senior" (No Offense John! )....

You can steal all you want. if you get caught play the Alzheimer's "I paid for that already, daddy!" and you should be in the clear

***Back to topic***

Awesome Thread Zorgon and John KEEP IT UP!!!!!

posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 12:08 AM
The Heraldry on that shield is a Knight Chess piece I have not put mine on there yet

Very nice.This suit is one I had.The heraldry is mine.

I won't derail the thread any further,just trying to get to know some folks here.

From my experiences I've found that winter time in Canada is great for observing the moon and other bodies.I need to get a mount to piggyback my camera to my telescope.Who knows, I may see something.*wishful thinking*

[edit on 1-9-2007 by citizen truth]

[edit on 1-9-2007 by citizen truth]

posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by undo
Unless you're just here to play head games, I'd suggest you actually read the content of the thread. Read Zorgon's posts, check the links, read the material, view the PDF files, examine the diagrams. Do something more productive than this .........whatever it is you're supposed to be accomplishing here.

LOL let them be, Undo... they can't refute those documents so they have to resort to childish antics to derail the thread so they won't have to face the real issues...

Its always fun to see that because you just KNOW you got em

Matyas and Mr Furry... I believe you will like THIS one

The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, pp. 3962, January March, 1979
Anchored Lunar Satellites for Cislunar Transportation and Communication1
Jerome Pearson2

The concept is examined of anchored lunar satellites, balanced about the collinear libration points Li and L2 of the Earth-moon system and attached to the lunar surface. The design parameters of such satellites are examined by applying the equations of the restricted three-body problem; the material strengths required are within those of available composite materials. Anchored lunar satellites could launch lunar materials throughout cislunar space electrically for 0.75 kilowatthour per kilogram, could provide essentially continuous lunar farside communications without station keeping propellants, and could supply a lunar base without lunar landing rockets.

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