posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 08:12 PM
The dream would be better explained as above given reason,i am no dream expert so can't be any help there but on the waking up
shocking/falling/jolting feeling i would say yet again see a gp to be safe..
Reasons for that can be so many different things but if this happens in a sleep state ,it can relate to sleep apnea or anxiety ,esp the latter & esp
if the dream explains you are having some difficulty (like being chased) it can relate that you are a stressed out person and anxiety is such a
bother...tbh you go to sleep but your brain does not rest thus shooting you with "signals" as you changing sleeping state ..non REM to REM
We think we are busy dying from a disease or have a serious disease and that is so many times thanks to pure crappy anxiety..panic attacks as you
would know one of the sides of being stressed,Anxiety does call for medical attention,even if you take a sleep study which would be great but then i
don't know how easy that is for you,can you talk to your parents and tell them & see where it goes from there.
I am a "stressed out" person & have had this experience in my teens i (still now & then) honestly sat it out for years,finding out years later i
only suffer from really minor epilepsy (which i truely cannot say if that had anything to do with my sudden wake up calls) ,i had the shock/jolt while
awake & only then i went to see my doctor and found out.
What is truly strange is that i was replying to another user experiencing a shock feeling while awake when i read your post i regret not mentioning it
earlier as i had shocks not only the one time but a quite a few times at a younger age when going to bed and falling i won't write that
off,though i never mentioned that in previous visits to my doctor i had other "signs" of anxiety to go on meds.
The tablets they prescribe sucks..though you feel better you get addicted without knowing,rather sort the issue out than to hide behind pills cause in
the long run if you are an anxious person you start relying on those meds,there are ways they treat you now being on those meds with short term
basis....opt for short term use if you can or if it is the problem ..Anxiety
I really hope you get this sorted as that feeling is even worse when you are awake and try and check it out for safety and your well being.