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For those harping on Welfare constantly on this forum

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posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 06:02 PM
What Wallstreet received this week is nothing short of welfare entitlement. Of course the Welfare harpies will be silent on this issue. But it was 36 million dollars HANDED out to WallStreet that you probably didn't even flinch at or notice. WELL...Start "Noticing" How much of a handout the RICH got this week. Of all the people the Rich?

I'm sorry but your free market philosophy is b.s. and it's also just honest to god lies. Its free welfare without any strings.

And while you ponder that think about how all the wealthy and entitled get you worked up over Poverty and Welfare in the meantime.
While the financially endowed distract you from their cancerous welfare.

Just something to think about.....

Definition of Welfare-

"1. the good fortune, health, happiness, prosperity, etc., of a person, group, or organization; well-being: to look after a child's welfare; the physical or moral welfare of society.
2. welfare work.
3. financial or other assistance to an individual or family from a city, state, or national government: Thousands of jobless people in this city would starve if it weren't for welfare.
4. (initial capital letter) Informal. a governmental agency that provides funds and aid to people in need, esp. those unable to work.

—Idiom5. on welfare, receiving financial aid from the government or from a private organization because of hardship and need."

Face it you got duped to the core. Wallstreet should be renamed Welfare Street

[edit on 17-8-2007 by MRGERBIK]

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 07:45 PM
Good ol corporate welfare from the GOV

Yet what do we get from the LAMESCREAM MEDIA?
Just about Crickets...

EXCEPT THIS slipped through the cracks:

BE My Lovemonkey from the FED"

It's our 35 million we handed out to Welfare Street. Wake up ...Stop being a Lumpkin

posted on Aug, 18 2007 @ 04:56 AM
MRGERBIK excellent post .

It never ceases to amaze me that the same people who continuities beat up on welfare recipients who are genuine need of aid from the government say nothing about corporate welfare in the US which is nothing sort of disgusting , disgraceful and an anti free market practice.
What kind of people support billion of dollars being handed out to the likes of the agriculture sector while at the same time the cry foul at the welfare system that helps people out in genuine need ?

Without a doubt it is morally bankrupt to support corporate socialism while opposing an welfare system that serves those in genuine need.

[edit on 18-8-2007 by xpert11]

[edit on 18-8-2007 by xpert11]

posted on Aug, 18 2007 @ 04:05 PM
I could support doing away with both considering they are equally Unconstitutional .

posted on Aug, 18 2007 @ 05:53 PM
Its fair game guys, if you can do it, you can make it, and you can make more then you can dream, or you can go flat broke thats the nature of the game.

But when the market jumps like 200 points to colse the day, then jumpliek 300 in the first 15 then next day, ALOT OF PEOPLE MAD A TON OF $$$$$$

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by TKainZero
Its fair game guys, if you can do it, you can make it, and you can make more then you can dream, or you can go flat broke thats the nature of the game.

But when the market jumps like 200 points to colse the day, then jumpliek 300 in the first 15 then next day, ALOT OF PEOPLE MAD A TON OF $$$$$$

Unfortunately you missed the point of the whole discussion I was trying to start. It's this incessant whining about what Govt Welfare for impoverished and "lazy" people receive. THIS is what I have qualms about. No where on the dial is this discussed THOROUGHLY this subject which is being brought up. Why? Because the Wealthy elite have been sheltered so much they can't take the reality of their economic failures without the help of "DA GOV "

Meanwhile when things go horribly wrong for the wealthy, over 35 million from the Fed (Paid courtesy of the U.S. Citizens) gets pumped into the citizen as a handout or some kind of draconian rebate. It's a crock and you know it is.

NO one would dare talk about this going off script except on some basic cable financial show of some perceptive pundit trying to expose the true hypocrites of Welfare.

It's Welfare, plain and simple. People in the market have been coddled so much they don't even realize they are getting hand outs now.
What are they going to say when they get another 40 billion to "LEVEL" the market.

This is why poor people get attacked constantly. It's a distraction to the real welfare. And I didn't even touch "WARFARE" But people don't want to go there because it's a tad too much "truthiness" And you know what? We do need to discuss this and the "Peggy Noonans" and "Neil Cavuto" types need to hear it loud and clear of what AMERICA is really going through. Not this imaginary candyland of imaginary numbers.

You know, if we are going to cut welfare then we need to cut "Welfare Street" to ribbons until alot of our country is back on track. Alot of Free market cultists would hate that. But something needs to be rectified soon. We are supposed to look out for our citizens. Now we got America working 2 to 3 shifts barely paying the bills. How can anyone with half a mind not even realize something has gone awry?

My god this Has NOTHING to do with socialism. It has to do with free reign capitalism that has corroded our country to the core.

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by slackerwire
I could support doing away with both considering they are equally Unconstitutional .

You could do away with both. But no where in the constitution does it say not to help the people of America? I dont think you can find that clause.

I read your post,Slackerwire. It's alot of talking points crammed with generalizations of americans on welfare. And quite frankly it's a minstrel show. I have seen this theater before. It is beating and bullying on the poor,impoverished and perhaps lazy people. But these people mooching off the govt are just a FRACTION of the aristocrats who do the damn same sitting by the pool waiting for their dividends. And nowhere in your post does it even mention that. Its really revealing and quite common all the same.

And that's the scary thing. These talking bobbleheads have put you in a situation where you are to ridicule the poor but never the Wealthy elite for their Welfare. Constantly distract the masses and stereotype the poor while the wealthy are not accountable. Sorry but as the middle class starts to become nonexistent it's even a more blatant hypocrisy. And it sickens me to think people have the audacity to continue this charade that is so transparent and visibly pathetic with every talking point and nuance put in Op-Ed after Op-ed or talk radio schtick after schtick.

I am sorry but I call B.s. and I also call this a grandiose hypocrisy that is unprecendented in American history.

What we do to people on minimum wage in 2007 should be criminal for working american families just trying to keep the lights on. And your family life is your own situation. It's good you raised yourself without welfare.
But let's be serious. it's a MYTH that people are independent in society. It's a damn tragic myth and a pipe dream. Everyone depends on someone and by that definition we are all on Social Welfare.

it's all how you "FRAME" the discussion and unfortunately Free market freaks have poisoned the well of logic and common sense when it comes to the definition of "Welfare" It's alot of paranoid sycophants and malcontents who don't want a "AMERICA" to begin with.

You want to know the biggest use of Welfare in this country? It comes from the Pentagon and the Department of Defense. Yet no one on CNN,NBC,ABC,CBS,FOX,MSNBC,CNBC,Headline news, etc have said anything about the welfare of our Department of Defense. And that's not a COINCIDENCE,Slackerwire. It's complicit complacency.

So for anyone to go after the poor? Look at the Defense budget and see how much "FAT" and "LARD" year after year is added on. I just don't want to hear it anymore. Face it you are just being distracted in a macro version of fishing for the elusive RED Herring.

It's just ridiculous what people are still harping on. Look what people have spent on this war and what private contractors have billed freaking america for less than a half assed job. And you really want to scold poor people for taking welfare? The gall of this is astounding.

This is how i see it and this is how more Americans are seeing this as well. And as this market and Middle East Conflict continues to go south it's going to become even more obvious. It's just sad that the only place we can have on this discussion is on a internet message board.

We have been silent for far too long on this issue while these talking points have virally infected america for generation after generation. It's time to "shut em down as Public Enemy might say

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by slackerwire
I could support doing away with both considering they are equally Unconstitutional .

You could do away with both. But no where in the constitution does it say not to help the people of America? I dont think you can find that clause.

I read your post,Slackerwire. It's alot of talking points crammed with generalizations of americans on welfare. And quite frankly it's a minstrel show. I have seen this theater before. It is beating and bullying on the poor,impoverished and perhaps lazy people. But these people mooching off the govt are just a FRACTION of the aristocrats who do the damn same sitting by the pool waiting for their dividends. And nowhere in your post does it even mention that. Its really revealing and quite common all the same.

And that's the scary thing. These talking bobbleheads have put you in a situation where you are to ridicule the poor but never the Wealthy elite for their Welfare. Constantly distract the masses and stereotype the poor while the wealthy are not accountable. Sorry but as the middle class starts to become nonexistent it's even a more blatant hypocrisy. And it sickens me to think people have the audacity to continue this charade that is so transparent and visibly pathetic with every talking point and nuance put in Op-Ed after Op-ed or talk radio schtick after schtick.

I am sorry but I call B.s. and I also call this a grandiose hypocrisy that is unprecendented in American history.

What we do to people on minimum wage in 2007 should be criminal for working american families just trying to keep the lights on. And your family life is your own situation. It's good you raised yourself without welfare.
But let's be serious. it's a MYTH that people are independent in society. It's a damn tragic myth and a pipe dream. Everyone depends on someone and by that definition we are all on Social Welfare.

it's all how you "FRAME" the discussion and unfortunately Free market freaks have poisoned the well of logic and common sense when it comes to the definition of "Welfare" It's alot of paranoid sycophants and malcontents who don't want a "AMERICA" to begin with.

You want to know the biggest use of Welfare in this country? It comes from the Pentagon and the Department of Defense. Yet no one on CNN,NBC,ABC,CBS,FOX,MSNBC,CNBC,Headline news, etc have said anything about the welfare of our Department of Defense. And that's not a COINCIDENCE,Slackerwire. It's complicit complacency.

So for anyone to go after the poor? Look at the Defense budget and see how much "FAT" and "LARD" year after year is added on. I just don't want to hear it anymore. Face it you are just being distracted in a macro version of fishing for the elusive RED Herring.

It's just ridiculous what people are still harping on. Look what people have spent on this war and what private contractors have billed freaking america for less than a half assed job. And you really want to scold poor people for taking welfare? The gall of this is astounding.

This is how i see it and this is how more Americans are seeing this as well. And as this market and Middle East Conflict continues to go south it's going to become even more obvious. It's just sad that the only place we can have on this discussion is on a internet message board.

We have been silent for far too long on this issue while these talking points have virally infected america for generation after generation. It's time to "shut em down as Public Enemy might say

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by xpert11
MRGERBIK excellent post .

It never ceases to amaze me that the same people who continue to beat up on welfare recipients who are genuine need of aid from the government say nothing about corporate welfare in the US which is nothing sort of disgusting , disgraceful and an anti free market practice.
What kind of people support billion of dollars being handed out to the likes of the agriculture sector while at the same time the cry foul at the welfare system that helps people out in genuine need ?

Without a doubt it is morally bankrupt to support corporate socialism while opposing an welfare system that serves those in genuine need.

[edit on 18-8-2007 by xpert11]
[edit on 18-8-2007 by xpert11]

Xpert11,Even if all of the Poor are corrupt and Lazy,let's be honest it's not even in comparison to what Walstreet has done to america and it's Working Class.
People are living in a MASS HALLUCINATION.

And actually Working America has been far too cordial on these Lumpkins in society who have the GALL to actually tell America to be dependent for themselves and pull themselves by their bootstraps. It's just a DAMN LIE that people continue to spout over and over. These people are running rampant on our economy meanwhile out of control with their rampant spending and risk investing on the backs of Americans.

God, do people on here have any idea what working America has endured thanks to these free market charlatans who sold America lock stock and barrel to every foreign nation on the market? It's not Free trade what we are after as a country it's Fair Trade. And it's just so sad that people don't see this has been one abyssmal failed experiment in lunacy.

And these freaks actually want to touch social security. Can I tell you something? Senior citizens do not deserve these malcontents molesting their last days on earth. If anything we should pimpslap every last one of them who lay one hand on our senior citizens well being and financial security.

And I think it's high time that more people stand in unity with each other on what these Charlatans will not get any more of America's "fringe benefits"

If it was up to me Prison sentences would be handed out and this would be corrected severely explaining case after case how they damaged Americans from every walk of life.

We need to get tough now. Everything they have done has been failure except for themselves and that's only because the FED Reserve are their Love Monkey.

P.S. it's not socialism what we are declaring it's a end to the outright theft of this country with the clan of White Collar Bandits who have done so.

mod edit: quote clarity

[edit on 19-8-2007 by sanctum]

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by MRGERBIK
What Wallstreet received this week is nothing short of welfare entitlement. Of course the Welfare harpies will be silent on this issue. But it was 36 million dollars HANDED out to WallStreet that you probably didn't even flinch at or notice. WELL...Start "Noticing" How much of a handout the RICH got this week. Of all the people the Rich?

You need to check your sources, or get better ones. The cost was not $36 million, but closer to $38 Billion with a B.

And Wall St. was not alone:

On August 9-10, the European Central Bank, the Bank of Japan, the Federal Reserve, plus the central banks of Australia, Norway, Switzerland, and other countries “injected” the equivalent about a third of a trillion dollars ($325 billion) into the money systems of the world. The Bank of Japan handed out a dramatic ¥1 trillion, about $8.5 billion. The European Central Bank showed signs of panic, or of realism, by spewing out about €160 billion over two days. Their goal was to stave off a spreading panic at bond trading desks and in the capital markets of the world about junk bonds, collateralized debt obligations (CDOS), mortgage backed securities, and other paper debt instruments.

It's not limited to the US, as you can see.

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 06:31 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky

Originally posted by MRGERBIK
What Wallstreet received this week is nothing short of welfare entitlement. Of course the Welfare harpies will be silent on this issue. But it was 36 million dollars HANDED out to WallStreet that you probably didn't even flinch at or notice. WELL...Start "Noticing" How much of a handout the RICH got this week. Of all the people the Rich?

You need to check your sources, or get better ones. The cost was not $36 million, but closer to $38 Billion with a B.

And Wall St. was not alone:

On August 9-10, the European Central Bank, the Bank of Japan, the Federal Reserve, plus the central banks of Australia, Norway, Switzerland, and other countries “injected” the equivalent about a third of a trillion dollars ($325 billion) into the money systems of the world. The Bank of Japan handed out a dramatic ¥1 trillion, about $8.5 billion. The European Central Bank showed signs of panic, or of realism, by spewing out about €160 billion over two days. Their goal was to stave off a spreading panic at bond trading desks and in the capital markets of the world about junk bonds, collateralized debt obligations (CDOS), mortgage backed securities, and other paper debt instruments.

It's not limited to the US, as you can see.

Of course it's not just Wallstreet that is the problem. And that was a typo over the B. That was my fault. Sometimes we mistype when it comes to numbers. But the reality is it's a big percentage of blame that goes to Welfare Street that no one has correctly stepped up to this epidemic

But the point is that Wallstreet has taken America to Hell and Back for their failed experiments.

And who decided to do the trades with China so freely? Why I think it was the free market cultists who must have not even thought about the consequences to american manufacturing. Meanwhile place after place closes and people are left with nothing. The Reaganites didn't learn about the farmer plights in the eighties due to their insane economic theories. Now we see the result of reckless spending and waste in our country on all of these families.

And what is the best these traitors can come up with "It's 9/11 we have other priorities"

There is no countering this. The sham is over and Americans shouldn't have to stand for this crap. Alot of white collars need to be frog marched.
But does it happen? No...

Let's yell about the poor people and the radical fundamentalist foreigners instead. Man, I love distractions and red herrings? I love Smoked Red Herring.


posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 08:16 AM
I'm with Slackerwire, get rid of all of it.

If you want companies to stay here and employ Americans then stop giving them incentives to leave with ridiculous regualtion and taxation. But dont try to make up for it by offering them "corporate welfare."

Less government not more.

No handouts for anyone. I dont care how many millions your worth or how many thousands you owe. Its your own life and its your responsability to live it as well as you possible can.

For the sick and disabled private charity and private donations have always been greater than any mess the government gets into.

Disban the whole damn thing I say.

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by MRGERBIK
But the point is that Wallstreet has taken America to Hell and Back for their failed experiments.

And who decided to do the trades with China so freely? Why I think it was the free market cultists who must have not even thought about the consequences to american manufacturing.

I would take exception with your classification of them as "cultists". They are much much bigger than any cult I have ever seen. But that's neither here nor there.

The effects of trading with China upon our mfg base was well-known, believe me. We've slipped to 3rd place behind China and Japan in steel production, an industry we once dominated. We're down to 5th in auto exports, but 1st in auto imports. Those are heavy duty industries, that support living wages. We're 7th in heavy machinery production. What did that to us? The unions, not Wall St. Steelworkers who demanded and got 13 weeks vacation every 5th year, after a certain tenure.

I think we should practice a certain amount of isolationism, just like other countries do. I don't know if it's still true, but it was once more expensive to buy a car manufactured in Japan than to buy the same car in the US. That's because the Japanese made it more attractive to export cars and more expensive to buy homegrown. Look where they are today.

The global economy is very intertwined, and what happens in one country often affects what happens in many others. OPEC still controls the world's fuel bill, to a large extent. And Wall St. is no longer the domain of the individual rogue; trading is more controlled buy automatic programs that kick in at certain trade points.


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