posted on Dec, 26 2002 @ 04:34 AM
You know what I really wish (But will never happen because not even an islamic-fundamentalist is this stupid), I wish that those stupid "Actors for
peace people" will rally together with like 1 million anti-war protestors, and then some terrorist yells above the crowd that is chanting "win with with peace//no war in iraq...blah eat my crap" and he'll scream. "DIE GREAT SATAN!!!!"
And then detonate his back-pack nuke and then maybe liberals will have a clue of what is really going on in the world.
I don't think a tenth of the people in the WTC and probably not many at the Pentagon, knew or gave a rat's A$s about what was goin on in Iraq, or
Afghanistan, or Saudi Arabia.
And unlike us, they don't get the honor and priveledge to debate this, they are all dead. Why? Who knows, they looked out a window one day and saw
a plane blow up in their face, and this isn't cool I know it happend to me once. Freaking plane crashed right into our school, one of those small
prop jobs (accidental yes but still). Seeing a twin engine turbo prop all but blow up at school kinda makes you think. Now it happens for malicious
purposes, and instead of wounding few, kills thousands, and those safe at home have the gaul to tell America what is right and wrong? Who is causing
the real harm?
Well we might as well release all of our prisoners, because its all our fault they were murderers, afterall we didn't raise them right, or school was
too "hard", or kids were too cruel.
Yes yes, that's it!!! And while we're at it, lets blow up the New German Government, and put in a hitler clone, because we all know how wrongly
they were treated by the Jews. Oh and can't forget Iraq. Let's give them the ONLY seat on the NEW security council of the new EARTH DIRECTORATE.
Because they of everyone, is the most abused people today, all because we squezed their leader's Balls a bit too hard, for trying to enslave a weaker
You'll get yours Actors for Peace!!! It'll come, you all live in a targe, LA, holywood, BOOM! Then maybe after America is a husk of what it was,
and state Governors reign supreme in their juricdictions, using former national gaurd units to beat off other states seeking more territory, and Islam
governs all aspect of our lives, cutting off our Daughter's Clit's and putting paper bags over their heads. Yes maybe then! When all the Jews are
dead, and White Blonde-haired Blue-eyed 7 foot behemoths praying to allah rule the world. And the Black man is castrated at 18 and cloned over and
over again to be our willing slaves.
Yes, that sounds like the future for me.
So stop! Don't blow away Saddam, let's just give him what he wants. Let's give everyone what they want, because America has been naughty, and has
kept the world relatively stable. Let's give them Earth, and our women, and we can go back to making mud bricks, because...we are the bad guys.
My ramble has gone on long enough! But you all know what I'm saying.
Anyone who is against war against Iraq, is a fool, if they are willing to settle as I have, with the UN resolution, that's fine, but anyone who
supports the idea that Iraq is innocent, is just plain retarded, and needs a plane to blow up in their house next time.
Bin Laden knows, that any further attacks on the US, would result in the systematic destruction of all Theocracies in the Middle east, and we have
reason to boof them all, Iran, Lybia, Saudia Arabia, Sudan...he's not stupid, he didn't expect us to rise up.
He like the Japanese before him, thought that one attack, would send us into economic chaos, allowing the middle east to hike oil prices as it did
before, without anyone to tell them otherwise, and in effect, shifting all balance of power from the now Weakend and feabled economically collapsed
America, to the Dictatoral and thus invulnerable to economic collapse (lives are plentiful) all to the Middle east, and their oil.
Boy did it blow up in his face.
He is the bully that hit us one too many times, and he knows the next time he sticks his fist out there, we'll have our foot up his a$s so fast...if
they believed in scare tactics, they'd use it in Israel. They do not, they believe in massive assaults, all out attacks.
You think there are no sleepers left? You think there are no terrorists here?
Nay, they're here, but their plan to bring armeggeddon on America was halted when we vacu-bombed his nuts.
We shant stop now, lest it happen again.
As was said by the author (I forget his name) of "When you ride an SUV alone, you ride with Ossama Bin Laden"
The government is too pussy now, they don't ask enough of the people anymore. In WW2 they asked for young men to die, and everyone to go with less
food and oil and everything. Now-a-days all they asked for, was for us to do more of what we normally do, buy buy buy, and we caught so much flak for
that, with "Consumerism = War" protesting fags and such.
Kids, need to wake up, and stop thinking they mean anything.
Notice the only real resistance to war in Iraq, are those people (either LITERALLY ANTI WAR like Martin Sheen), or whose livelyhood depends on
teenagers, such as the media. Or teenagers themselves.
I was watching that Donahuegh talking to kids, and one kid musta been 15 or so, was talking about how do we justify attacking a soveriegn nation?
Too bad the only pro-war guy on there was a lunatic and responded with nothing less than Hitler-like speeches, thus turning EVERYONE off from such an
But I have said this before and respond only with such!
Iraq is enslaved, and we shall be its liberators, where Saddam brought missles, we'll bring schools, where he brought nuclear weapons, we shall bring
food, and where he brought war and terror, we shall bring peace, where he stole the lives of Iraqis today, we will ensure their children have lives
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